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Pre-K Followup

Field #Field NameeSchoolPLUS table.columnRequired?Field LengthValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPlus?Notes
1Student Idreg_personal.state_report_idM9   
2SAP Idreg.student_idO50   
3Legal Last Name

Use reg_legal_info.legal_last_name if it has a value.

If not, use reg.last_name

4Legal First Name

Use reg_legal_info.legal_last_name if it has a value.

If not, use reg.last_name

5Birth Datereg.birthdateM10  Format mm/dd/yyyy
6RCDTS for Home Schoolreg.alt_building - state_code_equiv (program tracked ILALT)M15  

Note: default to the Serving School if none entered

If no alt building – use Entry/With building…

If anything for timeframe in Programs – RCDTS Overrides for Home School – this will override both Alt and E/W Building

7RCDTS for Serving Schoolreg_entry_with.building – converted reg_building.state_code_equivM15  If anything for timeframe in Programs – RCDTS Overrides for Serving School – this will override Entry/Withdrawal Building
8Grade Level


If blank – will use the converted Entry/Withdrawal grade level

M2  Convert K = 15; 1 = 01; 2=02;
9School YearPrompted school year (only include records where il_v_pk_followup.school_year = prompted school year)M4  Set to Prompted School Year
10Reading ActivitiesIl_v_pk_followup.reading_activityM2Iltb_pk_activities Default to 05 if blank (unknown)
11Mathematics ActivitiesIl_v_pk_followup.math_activityM2  Default to 05 if blank (unknown)
12Language ActivitiesIl_v_pk_followup.lang_activityM2  Default to 05 if blank (unknown)
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