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June 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.6.0.0



Release Note

ESP-95395IL Download ISCS Information (Student Course Assignment)

The course credit calculation of withdrawal course for elementary school grades was not fully implemented, leading to incorrect credit defaults. The processing has been corrected to display the accurate credits.


On the Personal page, updated the federal code for Middle Eastern or North African to display both the description and its corresponding code.

ESP-95125Pathway Endorsement Seal

Resolved an issue where the ISBE CCRI Data page did not pick up override values for ELA, Math, and Career Development Experience fields. These values are now accurately utilized in the IL Pathway Seal calculations on the transcript.

ESP-95050IL Hearing Conservation Report

Improved the logic for the "Number of Thresholds: Known Cases and Monitoring Data" field in the IL Hearing Conservation Report to accurately retrieve student counts.

ESP-94328Student Summary

Updated processing to display Federal Race for "Middle Eastern or North African" by updating the validation list in the Column Validation table to select the description for the corresponding code.

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