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June 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_20.4.51.0
  • ESP_21.4.28.0



Release Note

ESP-74571Validation Tables (Biliteracy English Proficiency)

Updated the following in the Biliteracy English Proficiency validation table for the Method of Demonstrating English Proficiency field in the IL Seal of Biliteracy.

  • The description of the code 09 to Score of 4 or above on the AP English Language and Composition Exam.
  • The Active column of the code 10 from Y to N.
ESP-74375Validation Tables (Program Withdrawal Reason), IL Download ISBE Submission Files (IL Student EL [STUEL]) and Programs (ELL - ELL Info)

Updated the code 07 - Erroneous Entry to Inactive state in the Program Withdrawal Reason validation table in the scripts.

ESP-73258ISBE Student Discipline

Updated business validations for the Disciplinary Duration field in the Student Discipline report to allow minimum of 0.001 and maximum of 720 days.

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