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Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE RSSP

Use this page to update a student's information for Regional Safe School Program eligibility and participation. These date-tracked fields are used in the ISBE RSSP submission file for students in a building with an RSSP RCDTS number.

Reason for ReferralCode indicating why the student was referred to the Regional Safe School Program. The download only includes students who have a valid code as of the Reporting Date.
Eligibility Status

Code indicating the student's RSSP Eligibility Status.

  • 01 – Expulsion-Eligible
  • 02 – Suspension-Eligible
  • 03 – PA 97-0495-Expelled & Administratively Transferred
  • 04 – PA 97-0495-Suspended & Administratively Transferred
GED Instruction

Indicates whether the student is enrolled in an instructional program leading to a GED certificate. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No


Indicates whether the student receives additional instructional services to supplement regular instruction, usually provided on a one-to-one basis. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

GED Test Complete

Indicates whether the student successfully completed a GED test. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

Curriculum Employment

Indicates whether the student is employed or working in a position related to the curriculum. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

Date of AEPDate of Alternative Education Plan. The participating student needs an AEP prepared at the earliest time following transfer to RSSP.
Behavior Mod Training

Indicates whether the student receives any behavior management/conflict resolution training to help improve behavior, manage stress, control anger, and make better choices. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

Community Participation

Indicates whether the student participates in an individual or group community service project.  This includes RSSP-sponsored or court-mandated projects. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

Ind or Group Counseling

Indicates whether the student received individual counseling, group counseling, or both as part of the RSSP program participation. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

Life Skill Training

Indicates whether the student received life skills training, for example, for decision-making (critical thinking, problem solving, and communication), social skills, cultural awareness, financial management, etc. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No


Indicates whether the student receives coaching and/or guidance with career/educational goals. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

Parenting Classes

Indicates whether the student's parents receive parenting classes as part of the child's RSSP program. The classes may be provided directly by the program or by referral to another agency. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

Ref. to Social Services

Indicates whether the student was referred by the RSSP program for services provided by government agencies, public or private service agencies, or community-based organizations. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

School Work

Indicates whether the student receives career development training, skills training, and/or activities offered by the school to prepare for jobs or employment. 

01 for Yes; 02 for No

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