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ISBE Pre-K Followup

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE Pre-K Followup

School YearSchool Year – only the school year records matching the prompted school year will be included
Followup GradeGrade Level – the grade of the student during that school year (K = 15, 1 = 01, 2 = 02)
Reading ActivitiesReading Activities
Mathematics ActivitiesMathematics Activities
Language ActivitiesLanguage Activities
Included In Followup

Checkbox indicating if the student was included in the Pre-k Followup file received from the state. This will allow you to enter information for all your K, 1 and 2 students even if they weren't in the file.

A student is included in the ISBE download's Pre-K Follow-up file only if this box is checked for the prompted school year.


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