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Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE Pre-Id

Note: Kindergarten students enrolled in the TBE or TPI program will not be included in the ISBE Pre-ID file.

Testing SchoolRCDTS (Region County District Type Schools) code for the testing school. If you leave this blank, the file will use the Entry/Withdrawal (Serving) building.
Test to be Taken

Name of the state assessment a student in a tested grade is scheduled to take (Illinois State Reporting Validation table:  iltb_test_type).

To include a 12th grade student in the IL SAT Pre-ID download, make sure to choose 12 - 12th Grade SAT Testing.

TBETPI Years Enrolled OverrideIf a student was enrolled in a TBE or TPI program in a district other than yours or you want to override the calculated number of years enrolled, select the appropriate value here. You may leave the field blank.
TBETPI Years Exited OverrideIf a student exited a TBE or TPI program in a district other than yours or you want to override the calculated number of years exited, select the appropriate value here. You may leave the field blank.
TBE Program

Used to calculate both the number of years the student was enrolled in a state-approved Transitional Bilingual Education program and the number of years since they exited the TBE program.

The field displays as a link indicating whether the student is currently enrolled.  Clicking on the link will open the program-tracking pop-up window where you can review the actual entry/withdrawal information for the program.

TPI Program

Used to calculate both the number of years the student was enrolled in a state-approved Transitional Program of Instruction and the number of years since they exited the TPI.  

The field displays as a link indicating whether the student is currently enrolled. Clicking on the link will open the program-tracking pop-up window where you can review the actual entry/withdrawal information for the program.

Home School Enrolled – May 1

Selection indicating whether the student has been continuously enrolled in their Home Registration Building since on or before May 1st of the previous school year. Choose one of the following settings:

  • E – Always calculate from Entry/Withdrawal
  • Y – Override, Enrolled on May 1
  • N – Override, Not Enrolled on May 1

For the E setting, the system checks the student's Entry/Withdrawal records from May 1st up until the date when you create the Pre-Id file. If registered for all membership days in the May 1st building, the student is considered continuously enrolled.  If there are membership days for the building that are not covered by Entry/Withdrawal records, the student is not continuously enrolled.

To bypass this calculation, you can select Y or N as appropriate for the student, and the system will use this override value in the Pre-Id file.

The same processing applies for the Student Pre-ID file, PARCC Pre-ID file, and DLM-AA Pre-ID file.

District Enrolled – May 1

Selection indicating whether the student has been continuously enrolled in the district since on or before May 1st of the previous school year. Choose one of the following settings:

  • E – Always calculate from Entry/Withdrawal
  • R – Always Pull from Registration District Enrollment Date
  • Y – Override, Enrolled on May 1
  • N – Override, Not Enrolled on May 1

The E setting determines the student's status based on Entry/Withdrawal records. The R setting refers to the District Enrollment Date from the student's Registration page. If this date is on or before May 1st of the prior year, then the student is considered continuously enrolled in the district.

To bypass this calculation, you can select Y or N as appropriate for the student, and the system will use this override value in the Pre-Id file.

The same processing applies for the Student Pre-ID file, PARCC Pre-ID file, and DLM-AA Pre-ID file.

TBE/TPI Data Entry vs. ISBE Pre-ID File Output

The system will first look to the Override fields and use those values if it finds any. If a student does not have a value in the Override fields and has not been enrolled in a TBE or TPI program, the system will use 07 for the Enrolled field and 03 in the Exited field.

If a student does not have a value the Override fields and has TBE and/or TPI program records, the system will do the following. All dates will be compared to the Reporting Date on the ISBE Submission File page. We are comparing using the year only. For example, if a student is enrolled in a program on 08/31/2004 and has a program end date of 06/05/2009 and then has another program vector with a Start Date of 08/26/2009, then the total number of years enrolled will be 6 if the reporting date is in 2010. The years exited field will be 0 (zero) in this example.

If a student was initially in the TBE program and switched to the TPI program, the total amount of the time the student was/has been in the programs will be calculated. For example, if a student was in the TBE program from 08/29/2004 to 04/15/2007 and enrolled in the TPI program starting on 09/10/2008, if the reporting date is in 2010, then the Number of Years Enrolled reported to the State will be 5 years.

Since a student should not be enrolled in both the TBE and TPI program at the same time, if a student has an open program vector for both programs, you will get an error in the ISBE Submission File log file. 

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