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ISBE PARCC Course Information

Available at the District Courses, Building Courses, and Course Section levels from the Scheduling menu.

This page has fields pertaining to the PARCC Pre-ID file. When determining the values to use for a particular student and course, the PARCC Pre-ID Download follows this hierarchy:

  1. Student course-level values from the ISBE PARCC Student Overrides page.
  2. If there is no student course-level value, use the Course Sections-level ISBE PARCC Course Information value.
  3. If no value at the first two levels, use the Building Course Catalog's ISBE PARCC Course Information value.
  4. If no value at the first three levels, use the District Course Catalog value.
Test Format

O for Online or P for Paper.

The PARCC Pre-ID Download includes the ability to set a default value to use for any record where Test Format is blank.

Assessment Session Location

Description of the place where the assessment is administered. For an Online test, this could be a session location. For a Paper test, this could be a room number or classroom name.

You can submit blanks in this field.

Class Name

Number or code assigned to a room by a school, district, state, or other entity.

You can submit blanks in this field.

Exclude from PARCC

Checked if the course or course-section should not have PARCC Pre-ID records created.

  • If this is checked at the District Courses level, it excludes the course for students at any building using the course code.
  • If this is checked at the Building Courses level, it excludes the course for any course-sections in the building using this course code.
  • If this is checked at the Course Sections level, it excludes a single course-section from PARCC Pre-ID processing.
AdministrationPARCC testing window when students are being assessed.  The default is 02 – Spring.
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