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On this page:

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select ISBE CCRI Data.

Use this page to track entry and progress rating information for the Student College and Career Readiness Indicator (CCRI) data. This data is used in the ISBE College and Career Indicator Report.

Calculating CCRI Data

The ISBE CCRI Setup page (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, and then select ISBE CCRI Setup.

Indicator and Reported Values Panel

The CCRI data panels in this page are populated by defined values from the ISBE Setup page. Each Indicator includes an Indicator Values panel (if applicable) and a Reported Values Panel, which will show the value that will be reported in the submission file. The Reported Values panel includes the grade, school year, indicator code/field, calculated value, along with an option to override that value and show as the reported value with the override reason.

There is an override reason field that is populated by the district from the CCRI Override Reasons validation table, and used only for the district’s internal use.


You must complete the setup by entering the GPA Calculation used by the district for this report in the ISBE CCRI Setup page.

The GPA reported values panel will display rows for school years where the student is in grade 11/12 and has an entry withdrawal record. The rows will display the GPA that matches the GPA type set on the CCRI Setup page. The GPA value is calculated as follows:

  • 01 - GPA >= 3.75
  • 02 - GPA >= 2.8 and  < 3.75
  • 03 - GPA < 2.8
  • 00 - GPA is not present

The override option is available to override the calculated value with any of the above listed options. If there is an override set, the override value will be used as the reported value. If there is no override set, then the calculated value will be used as the reported value.

Identify a Career Area of Interest by the End of the Sophomore Year

There is no setup on the CCRI Setup page for this panel. The Career Area of Interest contains two panels, a data entry panel and a reported values panel. The data entry panel allows a user to enter the school year, interest date, and interest code when a student identifies a career area of interest. The Interest Code in the reported values panel is populated by the Career of Interest validation table, which is completely user populated. This data is compared to a students entry/withdrawal to determine if they identified a career area of interest before the end of tenth grade.

The calculation in the reported values panel will find the student’s latest entry date in their ninth or tenth grade records, and then find the related withdrawal date. If the withdrawal date is null, it will use the last day of that school year. If the student has identified a career area of interest during their ninth or tenth grade school years with a date entered that is on or before the last day of tenth grade, they will be calculated as 01 from that school year onward. If they have not identified a career area of interest, they will be calculated as 02.

One Academic Indicator ELA

You must complete the setup by entering the One Academic Indicator ELA data in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. The AP Score Threshold and IB Score Threshold fields are used to set the threshold value for passing the AP and IB exams. The SCE - ELA AP tests and SCE - ELA IB tests are comma separated fields to list the State Code Equivalents connected to the ELA exam scores for AP and IB.  

The student’s test scores that are counted as AP or IB ELA are displayed (School Year, Exam Date, Exam Code, Subtest, Score Code, and Score) in the Academic ELA Test Data panel. This will have every test score even if it was from a year they were not in high school.  

For years the student is in high school they will have a record (Grade, School Year, Exam Code, Score, Score Threshold, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the Academic ELA Reported Values panel. This will show which, if any, test score will be used to determine if the student met the minimum score.  

  • If the student has more than one of the same exams for a given year, then it will use the one with the highest score.
  • If the student takes both AP and IB in the same year, it will use the first one they passed.
  • N/A will be displayed for years before exams were taken.
  • Prior Year will be displayed for years after exams if none were taken or if prior year the student earned an 01 and this year did not.

One Academic Indicator Math

You must complete the setup by entering the One Academic Indicator MATH data in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. The AP Score Threshold and IB Score Threshold fields are used to set the threshold value for passing the AP and IB exams. The SCE - MATH AP tests and SCE - MATH IB tests are comma separated fields to list the State Code Equivalents (SCEs) connected to the MATH exam scores for AP and IB.  

The student’s test scores that are counted as AP or IB Math are displayed (School Year, Exam Date, Exam Code, Subtest, Score Code, and Score) in the Academic Math Test Data panel. This will have every test score even if it was from a year they were not in high school.  

For years the student is in high school they will have a record (Grade, School Year, Exam Code, Score, Score Threshold, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the Academic Math Reported Values panel. This will show which, if any, test score will be used to determine if the student met the minimum score.  

  • If the student has more than one of the same exams for a given year, then it will use the one with the highest score.
  • If the student takes both AP and IB in the same year, it will use the first one they passed.
  • N/A will be displayed for years before exams were taken.
  • Prior Year will be displayed for years after exams if none were taken or if prior year the student earned an 01 and this year did not.

Minimum ACT or SAT Subject Scores-English, Reading, and Writing

You must complete the setup by entering the data in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. The Minimum ACT Reading Score, Minimum ACT English Score, and Minimum SAT EBR Writing Score fields are used to set the threshold value for passing the math sections for ACT and SAT. The SCE - ACT Reading tests, SCE - ACT English  tests, and SCE - SAT EBR Writing tests are comma separated fields to list the State Code Equivalents connected to the ELA scores for ACT and SAT.  

The student’s test scores that are counted as ACT or SAT ELA are displayed (School Year, Exam Date, Exam Code, Subtest, Score Code, and Score) in the ACT SAT ELA Test Data panel. This will have every test score even if it was from a year they were not in high school.  

For years the student is in high school they will have a record (Grade, School Year, Exam Code, English Score, English Score Threshold, Reading Score, Reading Score Threshold, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the ACT SAT ELA Reported Values panel. This will show which, if any, test score will be used to determine if the student met the minimum score.  

  • If the student has more than one of the same exams for a given year, then it will use the one with the highest score.
  • If the student takes both ACT and SAT in the same year, it will use the first one they passed.
  • N/A will be displayed for years before exams were taken.
    • N/A will also be displayed in the English Score and English Score Threshold columns for years when an SAT score is used.
  • Prior Year will be displayed for years after exams if none were taken or if prior year the student earned an 01 and this year did not.
    • For ACT ELA the English and Reading scores are considered separately when looking for prior scores.  If a student’s prior year English is higher then current year, but the same isn’t true for Reading, then their English score and threshold will say prior year while their Reading section will have the current year values.  The same is also true if prior year Reading is higher then current year and English is higher in current year.  
  • If a student’s ACT scores in a single year have different exam codes then the exam code section will display Composite instead of either exam code.

Minimum ACT or SAT Subject Scores-Math

You must complete the setup by entering the data in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. The Minimum ACT Math Score and Minimum SAT Math Score fields are used to set the threshold value for passing the math sections for ACT and SAT. The SCE - ACT Math tests and SCE - SAT Math tests are comma separated fields to list the State Code Equivalents connected to the math scores for ACT and SAT

The student’s test scores that are counted as ACT or SAT Math are displayed (School Year, Exam Date, Exam Code, Subtest, Score Code, and Score) in the ACT SAT Math Test Data panel. This will have every test score even if it was from a year they were not in high school.

For years the student is in high school they will have a record (Grade, School Year, Exam Code, Score, Score Threshold, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the ACT SAT Math Reported Values panel. This will show which, if any, test score will be used to determine if the student met the minimum score.  

  • If the student has more than one of the same exams for a given year, then it will use the one with the highest score.
  • If the student takes both ACT and SAT in the same year, it will use the first one they passed.
  • N/A will be displayed for years before exams were taken.
  • Prior Year will be displayed for years after exams if none were taken, or if in the prior year, the student earned an 01 and this year did not.
  • There will only be one record for each year the student is in high school.

Career Development Experience

You must complete the setup by entering the data in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. The Career Development Courses input will be a comma separated list of all State Code Equivalents of courses which equate to a supervised work experience relating to the student’s career area of interest.  The Career Development Marks input is a comma separated list of all the marks that represent a student completing the requirements for Career Development Experience. These fields are located on the ISBE CCRI Setup page under Administration (General). 

The State Course number must match State Course Codes which are assigned to Career Development courses from Building Course Catalog. The State Course Code field is in the State Course Information panel at the bottom of the Building Course Catalog page.

The calculation will find all courses the student received a mark for that belong to any state course code from the ISBE CCRI Setup page. These courses and marks will be displayed (School Year, Course, Mark) in the data panel of the CCRI Data page along with the school year they belong to. The calculation will then use this information and compare with the marks entered on the ISBE CCRI Setup page. If any course from a given school year has a mark matching the ISBE CCRI Setup page marks, that school year will be calculated as a 01 value and reported as such unless an override is set. If there are no matching marks in the school year, then the value 02 will be calculated and reported unless a override is set. If a student is calculated to have a 01 value, future years will also calculate to a 01. The reported values panel (Grade, School Year, Course, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) only considers school years where the student has an entry withdrawal record and is in grade 9 through 12. 

Industry Credential

Industry Credential data is stored on the Industry Credentials Entry panel. The district will enter data by choosing a school year, date, and industry credentials code. The credentials are stored in the Industry Credentials Entry table. A student can have multiple industry credentials in a single year, and in that case the most recent credential for that year will be reported. Nothing will be reported for years before a student earns a credential. This is indicated by NR in the Industry Credentials Reported Values panel (Grade, School Year, Code, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason). For years after a student earns an industry credential, the prior year’s credential will be used unless a new credential is earned that year.  

Military Service or an ASVAB Score of 31 or Higher

You must complete the setup by entering the data in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. SCE - ASVAB is a comma separated field to list the State Code Equivalents connected to the ASVAB test score. 

The student’s test scores that are counted as ASVAB are displayed (School Year, Exam Date, Exam Code, Subtest, Score Code, and Score) in the Military Service and ASVAB Test Data panel. This will have every test score even if it was from a year they were not in high school.  

For years the student is in high school they will have a record (Grade, School Year, Exam Code, Score, Score Threshold, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the Military Service and ASVAB Test Reported Values panel. This will show which, if any, test score will be used to determine if the student met the minimum score.  

  • If the student has more than one of the exam in a given year, then it will use the one with the highest score.
  • N/A will be displayed for years before exams were taken.
  • Prior Year will be displayed for years after exams if none were taken or if prior year the student earned an 01 and this year did not.

Attaining and Maintaining Consistent Employment for a Minimum of 12 Months

You must complete the setup by entering the threshold value for number of hours in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. Suggested values of 480 represents an average of 10 hours per week for 12 of the 24 months.

The consistent employment hours earned are displayed (School Year, Date Hours Earned, and Number of Hours) in the Consistent Employment Hours Entry panel. The student’s hours are recorded (Grade, School Year, Total Hours, Hours Threshold, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the Consistent Employment Hours Reported Values panel. Since there is a field to designate school year, hours data can be entered by day, pay period, or as a final count for the year. The calculated value is determined by taking the sum of the school year and the previous year, and comparing it to the threshold. 

Consecutive Summer Employment

You must complete the setup by entering the threshold value for number of hours in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. Suggested values of 120 represents a cumulative 120 hours per summer.

The consecutive summer employment hours earned are displayed (School Year, Date Hours Earned, and Number of Hours) in the Consecutive Summer Employment Hours Entry panel. The student’s hours are recorded (Grade, School Year, Total Hours, Hours Threshold, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the Consecutive Summer Employment Hours Reported Values panel. Since there is a field to designate school year, hours data can be entered by day completed, or as a final count for the year. The sum of the hours for each year is compared against the threshold in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. The student will receive a calculated value of 01 (Yes) to indicate they have met this requirement when they have met the threshold for the school year, and the previous school year.

25 Hours of Community Service

You must complete the setup by entering the threshold value for number of hours in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. The value of 25 hours represents total time volunteered during high school. 

The community service hours earned are displayed (School Year, Date Hours Earned, and Number of Hours) in the Community Service Hours Entry panel. The student’s hours are recorded (Grade, School Year, Total Hours, Hours Threshold, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the Community Service Hours Reported Values panel. Since there is a field to designate school year, hours data can be entered by day completed, or as a final count for the year. The sum of the hours for each year is compared against the threshold in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. Once the threshold is met, the student will receive a calculated value of 01 (Yes) to indicate they have met this requirement. Hours are cumulative, so once the threshold is met, the calculated value for this indicator will remain 01 for all proceeding years.

  • The community service hours panel only allows one row of hours per day. If multiple rows are added for the same day, then the values will be combined when the page is saved.

  • The CCRI calculation is modified to process the student's community service hours and calculate if they met the threshold.

    • The threshold is set on the ISBE CCRI Setup page.

    • The student's total number of hours is cumulative during their time in high school.

  • The results of the calculation are displayed in another panel on the ISBE CCRI Data page.

    • This panel will have a row for each year the student is in high school.

    • Each row has an option to override the calculated value so a different value is reported for that year.

Two or More Organized Co-curricular Activities

You must complete the setup by entering the State Code Equivalents for the activities that you want tracked as a Organized Co-curricular Activity in the ISBE CCRI Setup page. The State Code Equivalent can be defined by the district as it works best for them. The SCEs should be named by club topic such as Art, since a student can be part of the same activity for multiples years (which only counts once for being unique)

The organized co-curricular activities earned are displayed (School Year, Activity Code, and Description) in the Organized Co-curricular Activities Data panel. The student’s activity count are recorded (Grade, School Year, Count, Calculated Value, Override, Reported Value, and Override Reason) in the Organized Co-curricular Activities Reported Values panel. The calculated value is reported as a 01 (Yes) when a student has participated in two or more unique Activities. Each school year is calculated as a cumulative basis.

Running the CCRI Data Calculation

The student's CCRI data can be calculated in two ways.

  • Select the Recalculate the CCRI Data for this student icon next to the Save and Search icons for the current student on the ISBE Student CCRI Data page.
  • Select the Run the CCRI Calculation option to run the CCRI calculation independently or before the download is run on the IL Download ISBE Submission Files page.

Additional Information

If a student has more than one entry withdrawal record in a year, the latest record is used to get the student's grade.

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