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ISBE Birth to 3

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select ISBE Birth to 3.

In the Birth to Three Programs submission, students can have multiple program rows per download or submission. Along with multiple programs, the students can have multiple providers per service, reported as different rows. Data tracking will be created for this submission, as previous data in not fit to be used with the groupings of service location, type, and provider information.

Program Model

Indicates the preventative program in which the student is enrolled. Select:

  • 01 - Parents as Teachers
  • 02 - Baby Talk
  • 03 - Prevention Initiative (Center Based)
  • 04 - Healthy Families
  • 05 - Other Approved Model
  • 06 - Early Head Start
  • 07 - Nurse Family Partnership
  • 99 - Erroneous
Birth To 3 Classroom

Indicates the service location (modality) for prevention initiative programs. Select:

  • 01 - Child Care Center
  • 02 - Child's Home
  • 03 - School
  • 04 - Home Visiting Prevention Initiative Program
  • 05 - Centre Based Prevention Initiative Program
  • 06 - Family Literacy Prevention Initiative Program
  • 07 - Early Head Start Home Visiting Program
  • 08 - Early Head Start Center Based Program
Child Developmental Screening

Indicates the child developmental screening tool used to screen the child. Select:

  • 01 - Ages and Stages Questionnaire
  • 02 - Brigance Infant and Toddler Screen
  • 03 - Denver Developmental Screening
  • 06 - Batelle Developmental Inventory
  • 07 - Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (Bayley)
  • 08 - Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL)
  • 99 - Not Screened
Tot Home Visits During YearEnter the number of completed home visits and in-person contacts provided to the family during the fiscal year based on program model and case management provided.
Tot Parnt Grps-Sess Att YearEnter the number of parent groups/sessions attended/participated in by the child's parent(s) during the fiscal year (examples include parent-child interactions, parent workshops, parent support groups).
Tot Hours in Child Care CenterEnter the total number of hours the student spent in Child Care Center services.
Stu born with Low Birth WeightSelect if the student born with Low Birth Weight less than 2,500 g (5.51 lbs).
Is Student a Youth in CareSelect if the student has been a youth in care?
Parent married at stu's birthSelect if the the parent was married at the time of student's birth.
Bio Mother's Date of BirthSelect the birthdate of the student's biological mother who has conceived and given birth.
Stu's Family recv Child supp

Select if the court-ordered payments, typically made by a noncustodial divorced parent, to support one's minor child or children are received.

(program-tracked field)

Student Family receives TANF

Select if the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides temporary financial assistance for pregnant women and families with one or more dependent children. TANF provides financial assistance to help pay for food, shelter, utilities, and expenses other than medical.

(program-tracked field)

Student Family receives WIC

Select if the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. 

(program-tracked field)

Student Family receives SNAP

Select if the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly Food Stamps) helps low-income people and families buy the food they need for good health. Benefits are provided on the Illinois Link Card - an electronic card that is accepted at most grocery stores. The program is managed by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture. The Department of Human Services administers the program in Illinois.

(program-tracked field)

Student Family receives House Sub

Select if the Subsidized housing or social housing is government supported accommodation for people with low to moderate incomes. Forms of subsidies include direct housing subsidies, non-profit housing, public housing, rent supplements and some forms of co-operative and private sector housing. 

(program-tracked field)

Household Income Criteria

Select if the child is from a family whose income is less than 50%, 100%, 200% or 400% the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2).

  • 01 - 50% at or below the Federal Poverty Level
  • 02 - 100% at or below the Federal Poverty Level
  • 03 - 200% at or below the Federal Poverty Level
  • 04 - 400% at or below the Federal Poverty Level
  • 07 - Did not collect

(program-tracked field)

Screening Social Emotional Dev

Select if the child developmental screening tool is used to screen the child for Social and Emotional Development.

(program-tracked field)

Child Welfare

Select if the child or their family receive services from the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), including foster care, intact family services or the parent has been a youth in care?

Child of Teen ParentsSelect if the mother or father is under the age of 21 at the first child's birth.
No Months Child was BreastfedEnter the number of months the child has been breastfed during the enrollment. If breastfed at all during the first month of enrollment, enter 1. If the child was breastfed into a new month of enrollment, enter the number of the new month. For example, if the child was breastfed for the first month of enrollment and part of the second month of enrollment, then you would enter the number 2.
Preterm Birth (before 37 weeks)Select if the infant is born prior to 37 weeks gestation.
Tot no Hrs Stu spent in DCFSEnter the number of hours the student spent in DCFS Licensed Child Care Center services.
Family Structure

Indicates the child’s family structure at the time the child entered the program. Select:

  • 01 - Both parents in home
  • 02 - Single parent family
  • 03 - Lives with an adult other than guardian
  • 04 - Youth in care
  • 05 - Parents have joint custody 
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