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IL Gifted and Accelerated

Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > IL Gifted and Accelerated

Use this page to record the Illinois Gifted and Accelerated data collection.

From the IL Download ISBE Submission Files page, you can download this data using the IL Gifted and Accelerated [GIFTED] submission file type.

Start School Year

The active enrollment starting year for the Illinois Gifted and Accelerated program. For example, if the student is active in the 2019 - 2020 school year, select 2019 - 2020.

End School YearThe active enrollment ending year for the Illinois Gifted and Accelerated program. For example, if the student has completed the program in the 2020 - 2021 school year, select 2020 - 2021.
Accelerated Placement

Select the student's accelerated program type.

Valid values:

  • 00 - Student not in accelerated program (default)
  • 01 - Student is accelerated for ELA Only
  • 02 - Student is accelerated for Math Only
  • 03 - Student is accelerated for Single Subject other than ELA/Math
  • 04 - Student is accelerated for Multiple Subjects, but not Whole Grade
  • 05 - Whole Grade Acceleration
  • blank
Gifted Test

Select the status of the student's gifted test.

Valid values:

  • 01 - Student tested as gifted
  • 02 - Student tested as not-gifted
  • 03 - Student was not tested (District does have an assessment for gifted)
  • 04 - Student was not tested (District does not have an assessment for gifted)
  • blank
Test DateIndicates the test date when the gifted test was taken. This is not a mandatory field and not included for reporting.
Include For ReportingSelect to include the added record for the IL Gifted and Accelerated [GIFTED] submission file download.
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