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IL FitnessGram Page

Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > IL FitnessGram
Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > IL FitnessGram
Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > IL FitnessGram

Use this option to determine whether a course gets records created when processed by the IL FitnessGram option. The IL FitnessGram option creates records associating student login information with staff login information in Excel format, which you can then import into the FitnessGram software. It does this based on the courses you select that have the Include in FitnessGram box checked. You can make this selection at the District Course Catalog, Building Course Catalog, or Course Section level.

The IL FitnessGram option looks for the first saved setting it can find for the Include in FitnessGram box, using this hierarchy:

  1. Use the Course Section level if this setting is saved. In your database, it is schd_ms_user.field_value where screen_number = 750 and field_number = 1.
  2. If the Master Schedule setting does not exist, use the Building Course Catalog level. In your database, it is schd_course_user.field_value where screen_number = 750 and field_number = 1.
  3. If the setting is not saved at Master Schedule or Building Course Catalog levels, use the District Course Catalog level. In your database, it is schd_course_user.field_value for building = -1 where screen_number = 750 and field_number = 1.
  4. If the FitnessGram option does not find the setting saved at any level, it does not create records for the course-section.

Following are explanations of how to use this setting in the most efficient way so you get the FitnessGram records you expect when you run the option from the Regulatory menu.

District Course Catalog Level

If you use a District Course Catalog, you can select the Include in FitnessGram box for the appropriate district-level courses. All course-sections for the course get FitnessGram records when you choose to process them through the IL FitnessGram option, as long as the course-section does not have an override set.

For example, suppose Course 100 has Include in FitnessGram checked in the District Course Catalog, but Building 5 has the setting saved as un-checked for that course. In this case, the FitnessGram option would not create records for Course 100's course-sections in Building 5, unless individual course-sections have Master Schedules overrides set.

Building Course Catalog Level

You can save the Include in FitnessGram setting as checked at the Building Course Catalog level and apply this to associated course-sections in the Master Schedule. Any course-section selected by the IL FitnessGram option would get records generated, as long as the course-section does not have an override set.

Course Section Level

The Master Schedule course-section's Include in FitnessGram setting overrides the District and Building Course Catalog levels. Only save at the Master Schedule level if a specific course-section should be handled differently for FitnessGram processing than other course-sections with the same course number.

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