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IL Eye Examination Report

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Medical Reports submenu, select Medical Reports, and then select IL Eye Examination Report.

School YearEnter the School Year you want to run the report for.
Building ListSelect codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Start DateEnter a start date for the report.
End DateEnter an end date for the report.

Where Does the IL Eye Examination Report Data Come From?

Field Name

Field Information

Where in eSchoolPlus?

Total number of children in the grade.

Distinct Number of Students for each Grade for the given Building/Date Range

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal

Number of children required to have an eye examination.



Number of children with completed eye examinations.


Menu path: Select Medical from the main menu, select All submenu, select Student, and then select Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of C

Number of children for whom a waiver is submitted because the child is enrolled in the free and reduced price lunch program and is ineligible for public insurance (Medicaid/All Kids).


Menu path: Select Medical from the main menu, select All submenu, select Student, and then select Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of WM

Number of children for whom a waiver is submitted because the child is enrolled in Medicaid/All Kids, but is unable to locate a medical doctor who performs eye examinations or an optometrist in the community able to examine the child and who will accept Medicaid/All Kids.


Menu path: Select Medical from the main menu, select All submenu, select Student, and then select Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of WD

Number of children for whom a waiver is submitted because the child does not have any type of medical or vision/eye care insurance coverage and there are no low-cost eye/vision clinics in the community that will examine the child.


Menu path: Select Medical from the main menu, select All submenu, select Student, and then select Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of WC

Number of children receiving an exemption based on religious objection.


Menu path: Select Medical from the main menu, select All submenu, select Student, and then select Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of RE

Number of children submitting proof of an eye examination appointment scheduled to occur within 60 days after the October 15 deadline.


Menu path: Select Medical from the main menu, select All submenu, select Student, and then select Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of SA and Followup Date Is greater than October,15(prompted SchoolYear) + 60

Number of children not completing eye examinations (no waiver, no religious exemption, and no approved eye examination appointment scheduled to occur within 60 days after October 15).


Menu path: Select Medical from the main menu, select All submenu, select Student, and then select Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of NC

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