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IL Dental Conservation Report

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Medical Reports submenu, select Medical Reports, and then select IL Dental Conservation Report.

Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) collects dental examination data online through a secure connection over the Internet known as the Web Application Security (IWAS) System. Dental examinations are applicable only to children attending kindergarten and grades 2, 6, 9. The report format will be segregated based on grade, gender, and race.

School YearEnter the School Year you want to run the report for.
Building ListSelect codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Start DateEnter a start date for the report.
End DateEnter an end date for the report.

Where Does the IL Dental Conservation Report Data Come From?

Field Name

Where in eSchoolPlus?

A1. With dental sealants

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Dental Sealants = Y

A2. Without dental sealants

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Dental Sealants = N

A3. Not known

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Dental Sealants = U

B1. With caries experience/restoration history

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Caries Exp = Y

B2. Without caries experience/restoration history

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Caries Exp = N

B3. Not known

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Caries Exp = U

C1. With untreated caries

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Untreated Caries = Y

C2. Without untreated caries

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Untreated Caries = N

C3. Not known

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where Untreated Caries = U

Needing urgent treatment

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where the Status = T

No Dental Examination/no waiver/ no religious objection


Waiver  not covered by private public insurance

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of WC

Waiver  ineligible for public insurance

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of WM

Waiver – no insurance

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of WI

Waiver – has insurance but no doctorMedical > All > Student > Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of WD

Approved appointment scheduled – unprotected, but complaint

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of SA

Religious objection – unprotected, but compliant

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of RE

Medical reason – unprotected, but compliant

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of MR

Disability – unprotected, but compliant

Medical > All > Student > Exams: where there is a Referral with a Followup Code of DS

Enrolled in Preceding school year and submitted 

Number of children submitting proof of an eye examination appointment scheduled to occur within 60 days after the October 15 deadline.

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