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Field #Field NameeSchoolPLUS table.columnRequired?Field LengthValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPlus?Notes
1Student ID reg_personal.state_report_id9   
2SAP ID reg.student_id50   
3Legal Last Name 

Use reg_legal_info.legal_last_name if it has a value.

If not, use reg.last_name

4Legal First Name 

Use reg_legal_info.legal_last_name if it has a value.

If not, use reg.last_name

5Birth Date reg.birthdate10  Format mm/dd/yyyy
6RCDTS Home School reg.alt_building - state_code_equiv (program tracked ILALT)15  

Note: default to the Serving School if none entered

If no alt building – use Entry/With building…

If anything for timeframe in Programs – RCDTS Overrides for Home School – this will override both Alt and E/W Building

7RCDTS Serving School reg_entry_with.building – converted reg_building.state_code_equiv15  If anything for timeframe in Programs – RCDTS Overrides for Serving School – this will override Entry/Withdrawal Building
8Unaccompanied Youth Statusreg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILYOUTH2   
9Primary Nighttime Residence reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILNIGHT2Iltb_nightres  
10Tutoring and Other Instructional Support reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILTUTINS2   
11Expedited Evaluations reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILEXPEVAL2   
12Staff Professionals Development and Awareness reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILPROSTAFF2   
13Referrals for Medical, Dental, and other Health Services reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILREFM2   
14Early Childhood Programs reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILECHILD2   
15Assistance with Participation in School Programs reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILASSP2   
16Before-School, After-School, Mentoring, Summer Programs reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILSUMP2   
17Obtaining or Transferring Records Necessary for Enrollment reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILOBTM2   
18Parent Education Related to Rights and Resources for Children reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILPAEDN2   
19Coordination between Schools and Agencies reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ICOSCH2   
20Counseling reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILCOUNSEL2   
21Addressing Needs Related to Domestic Violence reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILADDNS2   
22Clothing to Meet a School Requirement reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILCLNDS2   
23School Supplies reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILSCHSU2   
24Referral to Other Programs and Services reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILREFOT2   
25Emergency Assistance Related to School Attendance reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILEMRASS2   
26Other (Services and Activities Provided by the McKinney-Vento Subgrant Program) reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILOTHSERV2   
27Eligibility for Homeless Services reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILELLHM2   
28School Selection reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILSCHSEL2   
29Transportation reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILTRANS2   
30School Records reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILSCHREC2   
31Immunizations or Other Medical Records reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILIMOTH2   
32Other (Barriers to the Education of Homeless Children and Youths) reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv =  ILOTHBA2   
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