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Entry Withdrawal

Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

BuildingServing Building
GradeGrade Level
Entry CodeEnrollment / Entry Reason (first one for current year)
Entry DateEnrollment / Entry Date (first one for current year)
Withdrawal DateEnrollment Exit Date.  Note that the ISBE Exit Enrollment file only includes a student if he or she has a Withdrawal Date
Withdrawal CodeEnrollment Exit Status

Entry Codes and the ISBE Pre-ID File

If a student has an Entry Code with a State Code Equiv of 03, then the Enrolled in Home School On/Before May 1st field in the ISBE Pre-ID file will be set to 01 (Yes).

If a student has an Entry Code with a State Code Equiv of 04, the Enrolled in Home School On/Before May 1st field in the ISBE Pre-ID file will be set to 02 (No) and the Enrolled in Home District On/Before May 1st field will be set to 01 (Yes).

For complete information on the Student Pre-ID file, refer to the eSchoolPlus ISBE File Layout document.

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