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Field #Field NameeSchoolPLUS table.columnRequired?Field LengthValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPlus?Notes
1Student Idreg_personal.state_report_id     
2SAP Idreg.student_id     
3Legal Last Name

Use reg_legal_info.legal_last_name if it has a value.

If not, use reg.last_name

4Legal First Name

Use reg_legal_info.legal_last_name if it has a value.

If not, use reg.last_name

5Birth Datereg.birthdate    Formatted mm/dd/yyyy
6RCDTS for Home School

reg.alt_building - state_code_equiv

(program tracked ILALT)


If no alternate building – uses Entry/Withdrawal building…

If anything for timeframe in Programs – RCDTS Overrides for Home School – this will override both Alternate and Building

7Date First enrolled in DistrictReg.distrct_enroll_date    Format mm/dd/yyyy
8First Year in US SchoolReg.us_enroll_date – if date <1 year prior to reporting date then set to 01 (yes); otherwise set to 02 (no)    


02=No (default to 02)

9EL Placement - Entry Statusreg_v_programs.entry_reason (state code equiv = ILELL) for date – convert to state_code_equiv  using regtb_prog_entry     
10Date Student Enrolled or re-entered to receive EL Servicesreg_v_programs.start_date (state code equiv = ILELL) for date range    Format mm/dd/yyyy
11Date EL Services Endedreg_v_programs.end_date (state code equiv = ILELL) for date range    Format mm/dd/yyyy
12Reason for Ending EL Servicesreg_v_programs.withdrawal_reason (state code equiv = ILELL) for date – convert to state_code_equiv  using regtb_prog_with    Required if Date ELL Services Ended is filled in
13Class Periods Provided per weekReg_user.field_value for screen 915 field 2    

Options = 01-Low



14EL Services Providedreg_programs.program_value where program_id and field_number joins to reg_program_column with state_code_equiv = ILELSERV    Valid values range from 00 to 06.
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