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Attendance Setup

Following are state reporting setups related to the Attendance package.

Attendance View Setup - Chronic Absenteeism - IL School Report Card

Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance View Setup

The IL School Report Card option calculates a building's chronic absentee counts based on student day totals records. To capture student absence minutes through the Day Totals Calculation, you will need an Attendance View setup for each building where you record and report attendance.

Following are details on how to set up the attendance view.

View TypeUse a code identifying the record as the Chronic Absenteeism view for the School Report Card. For example, you could use CHABS. Use the Description to provide full details.
Criteria RelationshipSelect Students qualify for first criteria fulfilled.
Calculate Totals asSelect Minutes.
CalendarLeave this field blank.
AbsencesSelect each code identifying an excused or an unexcused absence.

Choose All Periods or use the untitled Selected Periods field to choose the periods that apply for attendance purposes.

For an elementary school building using Homeroom attendance, use the untitled Selected Periods field to select your homeroom attendance period.

Min and Max MinutesUse a minimum value of 1 and leave the maximum value blank. This way the Day Totals Calculation creates a record with the student's absence minutes whenever the student has one of the codes you chose in the Absences field.
Convert CodeSelect any Attendance code. This does not impact the School Report Card processing.
ValueEnter any value. This does not impact the School Report Card processing.
Chronic Absenteeism DefinitionThe IL School Report Card counts a student in the Chronic Absenteeism field if the student was absent for at least 10% of the days he or she attended the reporting building. The student is considered absent for a day if he or she missed at least 50% of that day. To be included in processing, the student must be enrolled in the reporting building for at least ten days in the reporting year.

Attendance View Setup - ISBE Student Attendance

Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance View Setup

The ISBE Download's Student Attendance option calculates student absences and days present based on student day totals records. It also records days where a medically homebound student received district instructional services and days where a student was hospitalized without receiving instruction. To capture student absence minutes through the Day Totals Calculation, you will need an Attendance View setup for each building where you record and report attendance.

Following are details on how to set up the attendance view.

View Information Panel

View TypeUse a code identifying the record as the ISBE Student Attendance view for the School Report Card. For example, you could use ISBE. Use the Description to provide full details.
Criteria Relationship

Select the relationship between the criteria lines:

  • Students Qualify for Each Criteria Fulfilled: The student receives a record in the totals table for each criteria the student met for a day.
  • Students Qualify for First Criteria Fulfilled: The most stringent criteria should be entered first, and less stringent later. For example, criteria for full-day absences should be entered first and half-day absences later.
Calculate Totals as

Select whether total calculations are based on the number of minutes absent or the number of periods: 

  • Minutes
  • Periods

Also, determines how the total scheduled and unscheduled are shown for the student.

MBS BuildingsIf attendance totals for students in your building should include attendance from courses taken in another building, select the buildings. At least one MBS (Multiple Building Scheduling) building must be selected if you select the All Periods option for any criteria.
If students in your building do not take courses in other buildings or if the attendance for courses taken in other buildings should not be included in attendance totals, leave this field blank.
Separate Buildings for AttendanceSelect this box so the Day Totals Calculation creates building-specific day totals records for this building in any case where a student has attendance in the building but is not enrolled in the building through Entry/Withdrawal. This student would have scheduled courses in the building. As long as the building's Attendance View has Separate Buildings for Attendance selected, it will report student attendance for these students in records separate from the students' enrollment buildings.

View Criteria Panel

Follow these guidelines when you add view criteria rows for a building's Student Attendance view:

  1. Determine the increments you want to use for reporting student absences. This impacts the number of rows you need to set up when converting excused and unexcused absences, the Min/Max minutes range for each row, and the conversion Value for each row. For example, you might decide to have seven criteria rows for converting excused absences and seven rows for unexcused absences. The rows might have the following conversion Values: 1.00, 0.9, 0.75, 0.6, 0.45, 0.3, and 0.15.
  2. Use your first criteria row to convert the Present codes (for example, PRSNT) into a single state reporting code and conversion Value of 1, indicating a full day Present. Do not include excused absences, Unexcused absences, days medically homebound, or days hospitalized in this row.
  3. For your second row, use the Absences field to select each code your district uses that translates to an excused absence for state reporting. Use the Min/Max minutes fields to set the range of absence minutes signifying a full-day absence. For the Convert Code, choose the single code you will use to identify an Excused Absence for the Student Attendance download. Enter a conversion Value of 1. Do not include any codes in this second row for unexcused absences, days medically homebound, or days hospitalized.
  4. Use your third criteria row to convert unexcused absence codes into a single state reporting code and conversion Value of 1, indicating a full day unexcused absence. Do not include excused absences, days medically homebound, or days hospitalized in this row.
  5. Use the fourth row to convert excused absences to the next highest conversion Value you settled upon in Step 1. Use the fifth row to set up conversion of unexcused absences for the same conversion Value.
    • For row four, the Convert Code is the same as you used in row two. The row five Convert Code is the unexcused absence code you used in row three.
    • Follow this pattern until you complete assigning the Min/Max minute ranges you need to convert excused and unexcused absences to each conversion Value.
  6. Determine the increments you want to use in the Student Attendance file for reporting days medically homebound and days hospitalized.
  7. Enter the first row for medically homebound attendance code conversion, selecting the specific attendance code in the Absences field, defining Min and Max minutes that qualify for a full day medically homebound, choosing the state reporting Medically Homebound Convert Code, and entering a conversion Value of 1.
  8. Use the next row to define conversion for a full day reported as hospitalized.
  9. Alternate the remaining rows to define the remaining Min/Max minutes conversions for the increments you settled upon in Step 5. Alternate between converting medically homebound and days hospitalized.
CalendarLeave this field blank, unless you have a building where students have different schedules, as in an elementary school with half-day kindergarten classes. For a building meeting this scenario, enter criteria where you assign the regular full-day calendar, and then enter another set of criteria for the half-day students' Calendars.
AbsencesThese are the attendance codes you are converting to a single state reporting Convert Code. Make sure a row for excused absences excludes unexcused absence codes, the medically homebound code, and the hospitalized code. Follow this same principle when you define conversion for the other three categories.

Choose All Periods or use the untitled Selected Periods field to choose the periods that apply for attendance purposes.

For an elementary school building using Homeroom attendance, use the untitled Selected Periods field to select your homeroom attendance period.

Min and Max MinutesEnter the range of minutes the Day Totals calculation will use to determine which Value to use when converting a student's absence minutes into an absence value for the Student Attendance file.
Convert CodeFor a row converting Present code, choose the single state reporting Present convert code.
For excused absence code, choose the single state reporting excused absence code you will select when creating the Student Attendance download. For unexcused absence conversion, choose the state reporting unexcused absence Convert Code. Likewise, use the medically homebound code and hospitalized code for the appropriate criteria rows.
ValueEnter the conversion Value the Day Totals calculation will assign when it finds a student with absence minutes falling in the criteria row's Min/Max minutes range.
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