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October 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.10.0.0



Release Note

ESP-90008FL FASTER Download

Updated the logic to handle cases where the code has a length of more than one digit for certain fields in the FL FASTER district-defined page.

ESP-89958ASIS Student Additional Funding

Implemented the following business rules for the Academic Dual Enroll Course field in the Additional Funding report:

  • Students who have completed a general education core course through a dual enrollment program and received a grade of “A” or better while being enrolled in an early college program will receive 0.16 FTE.
  • Students who have completed a general education core course through a dual enrollment program and received a grade of “A” or better, but are not enrolled in an early college program, will receive 0.08 FTE.
  • The FTE is determined based on multiples of either 0.08 or 0.16, depending on the number of General Education dual enrollment courses passed with an “A” and whether or not the student is part of an early college program.
ESP-89550FL FASTER Download

Updated the processing to handle cases where the code has a length of more than one digit for certain fields in the FL FASTER district-defined page.

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