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November 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.11.0.0



Release Note

ESP-90138Community Service and FL Community Service Requirements
  • The Requirement Met indicator is calculated based on the Total Hours (Volunteer + Paid Work Hours) on the Community Service page with the required community service hours.
  • The Requirement Met field will be Y when the Total Hours for a student is greater than the Required Hours from the FL Community Service Requirements page.
  • The Requirement Met field will be N when the Total Hours for a student is less than the Required Hours from the FL Community Service Requirements page.
ESP-89866FLEID Report - FLEID processes for Corrections and Legal Name, B-day, Gender changes
  • Created the FLEID download table for FLEID Processes.
  • Created the FLEID Processes page for download and extract.
  • Created the FL FLEID Process Fields district-defined page and added the Legal Change and Correction fields.
  • Added logic to pull values from the ASIS Demographic Information, Personal, and Registration pages to insert values in the FLEID download table.
    • Records will be inserted in the download table for Legal only when the student has the Legal Change checkbox selected on the FL FLEID Processes page.
    • Records will be inserted in the download table for Correction only when the student has the Correction checkbox selected on the FL FLEID Processes page.
  • Extract Reports for Legal will be generated by retrieving records from the FLEID download where the Record type is L.
  • Extract Reports for Correction will be generated by retrieving records from the FLEID download where the Record type is C.
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