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May 2023 Minor Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.4.1.0



Release Note

ESP-84936FES Prepayment Verification

The following changes are implemented for the Family Empowerment Scholarship Submission:

  • Entry/Withdrawal dates will default to 99999999 if the student is enrolled only in private schools.

  • The entry date will be retrieved from the Entry/Withdrawal page and the Withdrawal date will default to 00000000 when the student is currently enrolled in public schools.

  • The Withdraw date will be retrieved from the Entry/Withdrawal page and the Entry date will default to 00000000 when the student is currently not enrolled in public schools.

  • If the student has a building other than the enrollment building in the Current Enrollment School field, without an end date from the ASIS Demographic page, then the FES process will populate the Current Enrollment School with that building.

ESP-85584Non-SIS FES Student Summary

Updated the Non-SIS FES Student Summary records to be saved without any errors.

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