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June 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.28.0



Release Note

ESP-73642Incident Details and FL SESIR Reporting

For SESIR format Survey R, in the FL SESIR Reporting page, Religion basis and Vaping fields are missing the default values for Incidents: UBL, UHR, TRE, HAR, BUL, OMC, PHA, and BAT. The following updates are done:

  • When the incident type is UBL, UHR, TRE, HAR, and BUL, check if the religion basis field is blank and then default it to N.
  • When the incident type is OMC, PHA, and BAT, check if the Vaping field is blank and then default it to N.

There are no changes for the incident type HSN as it is already defaulting the religion basis column to Z when it is blank.

ESP-71803Building Definition, Entry/Withdrawal, and FL FES Prepayment Scholarship

The entry and withdrawal dates were pulled incorrectly for the students from the public building in the Entry/Withdrawal page for the FL Family Empowerment Scholarship records. Added few public buildings to the SQL query to not retrieve dates from these public buildings with the following logic:

  • If a student is enrolled in a public building for the current year, the entry and withdrawal dates will be retrieved from the previous year.
  • If a student is enrolled in a public building for current and previous years, the entry and withdrawal dates will be 99999999.
  • If a student has two entries: with a public building and a non-public building, the entry and withdrawal dates will be retrieved from non-public buildings.
  • If a student has entry and withdrawal dates for current year in a non-public building, the withdrawal date will be retrieved as withdrawal date and entry date will be 000000000.
  • If a student has entry date for current year in a non-public building, the entry date will be retrieved as entry date and withdrawal date will be 00000000.
ESP-69420FASTER Download

Updated the processing to stop printing insert or SQL queries in the log file for the FASTER Download.

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