June 2022 Major Maintenance Release
These changes have been released in the following software version:
- ESP_21.4.28.0
Reference | Page | Release Note |
ESP-73642 | Incident Details and FL SESIR Reporting | For SESIR format Survey R, in the FL SESIR Reporting page, Religion basis and Vaping fields are missing the default values for Incidents: UBL, UHR, TRE, HAR, BUL, OMC, PHA, and BAT. The following updates are done:
There are no changes for the incident type HSN as it is already defaulting the religion basis column to Z when it is blank. |
ESP-71803 | Building Definition, Entry/Withdrawal, and FL FES Prepayment Scholarship | The entry and withdrawal dates were pulled incorrectly for the students from the public building in the Entry/Withdrawal page for the FL Family Empowerment Scholarship records. Added few public buildings to the SQL query to not retrieve dates from these public buildings with the following logic:
ESP-69420 | FASTER Download | Updated the processing to stop printing insert or SQL queries in the log file for the FASTER Download. |