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July 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_20.4.29.0
  • ESP_21.4.6.0



Release Note

ESP-61872Demographics Collection

Implemented validation / rejection rules for Additional FTE Survey 5 newly added FTE fields: “FTE Earned, College Board Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma”, “FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrolment Course”, “FTE Earned, Academic Dual Enrolment Associate Degree”, and existing "FTE Earned, College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Test".

ESP-61871Student Course

Added AP_Course column to FL_ASIS_STU_COURSE_DOWN table and String variable to store the ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSE checkbox value from the FL Student Course page.

This is not applicable for ESP_20.4.29.0.

ESP-61431Master Schedule (Secondary Staff)

Added Warning message in the downloads that a Secondary Staff should not have a Scheduling Method of S – Self Contained and A – Alternate Week Schedule as these selections will cause the data to be rejected when submitted to FLDOE State Reporting.

This is not applicable for ESP_20.4.29.0.

ESP-59452ASIS Exceptional Student

Added Error messages if the value for Plan Date, Re-Evaluation Date, Total Time with Non-Disabled Peers, or Total Time for the School Week is not assigned.

ESP-59451ASIS Career Academies

Error message will be displayed if the End Date is not greater than the Start Date.

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