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February 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.20.0



Release Note

ESP-71045ASIS Exceptional Student

Updated the download to process the records into the Exceptional Student Download table when the Re-Evaluation Date is blank on the ASIS Exceptional Student district-defined page.

ESP-70357ASIS Data Collection and Student Course

Updated the backend code to retrieve the Credit Attempted and Credit Earned value for the Transcript Summary page when running the Student Course Transcript Information download.

ESP-70171ASIS Exceptional Student

Added business rule for the Plan Date field on the ASIS Exceptional Student district-defined page. Plan Date Must Be entered when the value of Exceptionality is not blank on the ASIS Exceptional Student Program district-defined page.

ESP-68658ASIS Exceptional Student

Added business rule for the Time, Total School Week, and Time with Non-Disabled Peers fields on the ASIS Exceptional Student district-defined page. These fields must be entered when the value of Exceptionality is not blank on the ASIS Exceptional Student Program district-defined page.

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