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December 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.12.0.0



Release Note

ESP-90756Student Course Schedule

Updated the business logic to process records if a course has multiple secondary staff members and the start dates fall within the survey period's date range.

ESP-90425ASIS Exceptional Student and ASIS Exceptional Student Program

Implemented the business rule: If the Survey Period Code is 1-4 and either Exceptionality, Primary is set to 'T' or Exceptionality, Other is set to 'T', and the age is greater than 10 years as of the first day of the survey week, to populate the following warning message.

Warning message: When the Survey Period Code is 1 through 4 and if Exceptionality, Primary is assigned as T or Exceptionality, Other is assigned as T, the age must be less than 10 as of the first day of the survey week.

ESP-90385FL FASTER Transcript

Updated processing to retrieve the value for the Guardian's Home Language field from the Contact page. If no Guardian information is available, a null value will be populated.

ESP-90760FL FLEID Corrections and Legal Change ProcessEnhanced column mapping for the FLEID download and extract file to resolve incorrect column assignments for a more precise layout.
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