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December 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.16.0



Release Note

ESP-67267Student Course and ASIS Data Collection (Student Course Schedule)

Added logic for the Day of Week Scheduled, Alternate Date Certain element during the Student Course Schedule data collection:

  • If the Course is not scheduled on a Friday, the ‘Day of the Week Scheduled, Alternate Date Certain’ element must be set to 'Y'.
  • If the Period Code' is ‘9800’, the ‘Day of the Week Scheduled, Alternate Date Certain’ element must be 'Z’.
ESP-67140ASIS Discipline Offender and Discipline Collection

Added the Involvement Type field to the ASIS Discipline Offender page with the logic: if the existing value in the Is Student field is 'Y', then populate the Involvement Type field with ‘S' else default it to 'N’.

Updated the School Environmental Safety Incident Report to account ‘Incident, Involvement Type’ based on the Involvement Type field.

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