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Run OCR Reports

The Run OCR Reports option will generate a PDF report of the LEA Form and School Form and flat file submission data files for the District/LEA and schools. Select the menu path Regulatory > Civil Rights Data Collection > Reports > Run OCR Reports to access the option.

The OCR Reports will process everything for each building sequentially. As the data for student counts is retrieved, records are written to an OCR detail table. The PDF report and flat file are generated by the same process. Each time the process is run, it will first delete any records in the OCR detail table for the buildings included in that run. 

Enrollment DateDisplays the date specified in the OCR District Setup, E/W date to sample Enrollment field. This prompt applies to the following report modules: OCR School (Building) form - Preschool (PSCH); Enrollment (ENRL); Program Enrollment (PENR); Courses & Classes (COUR); AP & IB Enrollment (APIB). 
IDEA DateDisplays the date specified in the OCR District Setup. This prompt applies to the following report modules: OCR School (Building) form - Preschool (PSCH); Enrollment (ENRL); Program Enrollment (PENR); Courses & Classes (COUR); AP & IB Enrollment (APIB).
2nd Semester DateDisplays the date specified in the OCR District Setup. This prompt applies to the following report modules: OCR School (Building) form - Preschool (PSCH); Enrollment (ENRL); Program Enrollment (PENR); Courses & Classes (COUR); AP & IB Enrollment (APIB).
School Year Start DateDisplays the date specified in the OCR District Setup. This prompt applies to the following report modules: OCR LEA (District) form - Distance Education (DSED); High School Equivalency Exam (HSEE); OCR School (Building) form - Courses & Classes (COUR); Student Discipline (Suspension, Expulsion, Corporal Punishment (DISC); Student Discipline (Referrals to Law Enforcement & School-Related Arrests)(ARRS); SAT/ACT & AP Exams (EXAM).
School Year End DateDisplays the date specified in the OCR District Setup. This prompt applies to the following report modules: OCR LEA (District) form - Distance Education (DSED); High School Equivalency Exam (HSEE); OCR School (Building) form - Courses & Classes (COUR); Student Discipline (Suspension, Expulsion, Corporal Punishment (DISC); Student Discipline (Referrals to Law Enforcement & School-Related Arrests)(ARRS); SAT/ACT & AP Exams (EXAM).
Building ListYou may run for all or selected buildings. Click * to select all. Recommended to run the option for each high school separately. High schools will take the longest time to process because reporting includes course counts. 
District/LEA FormSelect to create the District/LEA Form report.
District/LEA Flat File

Select one of the following options:

  • Do not generate District/LEA flat file
  • Generate comma-delimited file
CRDC School FormSelect to create the School Form report.
CRDC School Flat File

Select one of the following options:

  • Do not generate CRDC School flat file
  • Generate comma-delimited file
Generate Report/Flat File OnlySelect to generate output based on totals that were previously calculated. To calculate totals, you must clear this checkbox. If totals have not been calculated, this field is disabled.
Log StatisticsSelect to include statistic detail in the log report.
Task NameEnter a name for the output files.
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