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October 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These change has been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_19.11.44.0
  • ESP_20.4.37.0
  • ESP_21.4.14.0



Release Note

ESP-67276OCR District Setup

Updated the labels for SSPR-9 to be SSPR-5 to match the current submission.

ESP-64963Run OCR Reports

Updated the District Level RPX to match the LEA Form provided by OCR for the 2020-2021 submission.

ESP-64931OCR Building Setup

Added the COVID-related DIND-1: Directional Indicators - Instruction Type and DIND-2: Directional Indicators - Virtual Instruction questions to the OCR Building Setup page.

Added overrides for some of the new discipline counts to the OCR Building Setup page.

Added processing to the School flat-file for the DIND and AP/IB 504 counts.

ESP-64926OCR Summary

Updated the OCR Summary page with the 504, LEP, and IDEA student count questions for the 2020-2021 submission.

ESP-64924Run OCR Reports

Updated the Building Level RPX to match the School Form provided by OCR for the 2020-2021 submission.

ESP-64934Run OCR Reports

Added Incident Level (Security FED-DISC-INCIDENTS) field, Harassment Based on Religion, on the Federal Information district-defined page, as a drop-down selection to indicate what type of religious harassment is associated with the incident.

Added Offender Level (Security FED-DISC-OFENDER) fields, Allegation Determination and Prior to Determination, on the Federal Information district-defined page, as a drop-down selection for staff member Offenders involved in the OFFN-6, OFFN-7, OFFN-8, OFFN-9, and OFFN-10 categories.

  • Allegation Determination is a drop-down selection for staff-members involved as an Offender for counts of “Responsible”, “Not Responsible”, and “Pending”
  • Prior to Determination is a drop-down selection for staff-members involved as an Offender for counts of “Resignation or Retirement” , and “Duty Reassignment“

Added processing to the Building flat-file for the following discipline fields:

  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_HI_M - Male Hispanic preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_HI_F - Female Hispanic preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_AM_M - Male American Indian/Alaska Native preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_AM_F - Female American Indian/Alaska Native preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_AS_M - Male Asian preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_AS_F - Female Asian preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_HP_M - Male Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_HP_F - Female Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_BL_M - Male Black preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_BL_F - Female Black preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_WH_M - Male White preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_WH_F - Female White preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_TR_M - Male Two or More Races preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_TR_F - Female Two or More Races preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_LEP_M - Male LEP preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_LEP_F - Female LEP preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_IDEA_M - Male IDEA preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_PSDISC_OOMOOS_IDEA_F - Female IDEA preschoolers with at least one out of school suspension
  • SCH_OFFENSE_RAPE_BYSTUD - Number of incidents of rape where a student was the offender
  • SCH_OFFENSE_BATT_BYSTUD - Number of incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) where a student was the offender
  • SCH_OFFENSE_RAPE_BYSTAF - Number of incidents of rape where a staff member was the offender
  • SCH_OFFENSE_BATT_BYSTAF - Number of incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) where a student was the offender
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_RAPE_RNRT - Number of allegations of rape against a staff member that have Resignation or Retirement selected under the offender Federal Information - Prior to Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_BATT_RNRT - Number of allegations of sexual assault (other than rape) against a staff member that have Resignation or Retirement selected under the offender Federal Information - Prior to Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_RAPE_RESP - Number of allegations of rape against a staff member that have Responsible selected under the offender Federal Information - Allegation Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_BATT_RESP - Number of allegations of sexual assault (other than rape) against a staff member that have Responsible selected under the offender Federal Information - Allegation Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_RAPE_DTNR - Number of allegations of rape against a staff member that have Not Responsible selected under the offender Federal Information - Allegation Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_BATT_DTNR - Number of allegations of sexual assault (other than rape) against a staff member that have Not Responsible selected under the offender Federal Information - Allegation Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_RAPE_PEND - Number of allegations of rape against a staff member that have Pending selected under the offender Federal Information - Allegation Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_BATT_PEND - Number of allegations of sexual assault (other than rape) against a staff member that have Pending selected under the offender Federal Information - Allegation Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_RAPE_DUTY - Number of allegations of rape against a staff member that have Duty Reassignment selected under the offender Federal Information - Prior to Determination
  • SCH_OFALLEGATIONS_BATT_DUTY - Number of allegations of sexual assault (other than rape) against a staff member that have Duty Reassignment selected under the offender Federal Information - Prior to Determination
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_ATAG - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Atheism/Agnosticism selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_BUDD - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Buddhist selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_CATH - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Catholic selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_EAST - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other) selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_HIND - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Hindu selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_ISLM - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Islamic (Muslim) selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_JWIT - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Jehovah’s Witness selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_JWSH - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Jewish (Judaism) selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_MORM - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Mormon (Latter-day Saint) selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_MULTI - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Multiple Religions, Group selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_CHRN - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Other Christian selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_OTHR - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Other Religions selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_PROT - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Protestant selected under Federal Information
  • SCH_HBALLEGATIONS_REL_SIKH - Number of harassments because of religion incidents that have Sikh selected under Federal Information

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