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February 2025 Escalation Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_25.1.1.1





OCR Building Setup - OCR CRDC School Form

  • Updated the Teacher Retained Count display to an integer instead of a decimal in the CRDC Building Flat File.

  • Ensured the value was displayed as provided in the OCR Building Setup page without decimal formatting in the CRDC School Form.


OCR Summary

In the OCR Summary page for the 2023-2024 CRDC report, categories have been added under PreSchool Enrollment (PSCH-3) to include students identified as English Language Learners (ELL), Students with Disabilities, and those with Section 504 plans.


OCR Building Setup and Run OCR Reports

For the ATHL-1,2,3 Athletics field, data for Nonbinary Participants was not saved in the source table/OCR Report. This has been resolved to save the data.

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