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Truancy Calculation

This option calculates the student truancy record for ED165-Truancy submission. The calculation will create records for all truant students (in Half/Extended-day K and Grades 1 through 12 according to Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-198a) who are required to attend school, but have four unexcused absences from school in any one month or ten unexcused absences from school in any school year. If students qualify as truant, they are considered truant for the entire academic year. If the override field is set for a student on the PSIS Program page, this student will not be included in the calculation. Note that the attendance criteria calculation does not work for overlapping date ranges.

A student record will not get processed in the Truancy calculation if the student has a Prevention Indicator Date entered.

If any four absences are within 30 days, the fourth absence date will be added as the start date to the truancy calculation.

If there are ten absences within the school year, the tenth day will be used as the start date to the truancy calculation.


Run the Day Totals Calculation for the view used for state reporting for the attendance reporting periods you want to calculate. Use the menu path: select Attendance from the main menu, select All submenu, select Utilities, and then select Day Totals Calculation.

State Reporting attendance views processes all absences codes, both excused and unexcused, into absent day totals records. Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) requires only unexcused absences to be reported as truant. Adding a separate Attendance View that processes your unexcused absence attendance codes is the required method to handle this calculation.

To Run the Truancy Calculation

  1. Select the menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Calculations submenu, select Calculations, and then select Truancy.
  2. Specify the calculation options. Refer to the Fields table for more information.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.



    Select the buildings to calculate the truancy data.

    Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

    View Type

    Select the view required for the calculation. For example, TRNCY - Full Day Truancy.

    Absence Codes

    Select the absence codes that are considered truant. For example, A - Absent (Unexcused).

Download/Extract Processing

  1. To download the student truancy records, use the menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Downloads, and then select Student Download.
    On the Student Download page, select Submission Period as 3 - Summer, specify the required fields and ensure that Student Truancy is selected in the record types. Click Run.
  2. To search all the student truancy records, use the menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Download Search, and then select Download Search.
    On the CT ED166 page, under Submissions, select Record Type as STUTRUANT to display all the truancy records. You can use the Export to Excel icon to save the search results.
  3. To search for an individual student truancy record, use the menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Download Summaries, and then select Student Download Summary.
    On the Student Summary page, under Task, select Record Type as STUTRUANT - Student Truancy to display the student truancy record. Click Select Edit Mode to update the student truancy record or you can add the truancy details for that student.
  4. To extract the student truancy records, use the menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Reports, and then select Create Extract Files.
    On the TEDS PEIMS Extract page, select Submission Period as 07 - Summer First Submission, specify the required fields and ensure that Student Truancy is selected under Student Attendance. Click Run to get the XML format file for submission.

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