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February 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.2.0.0



Release Note

ESP-92277OCR Summary

The following Building form questions were missing in the dropdown on the OCR Summary page:

  • COUR-16: Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Chemistry
  • DISC-16: Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsion without Educational Services

This has been resolved.

ESP-92192CT P-EBT Address Report

Resolved the following formatting issues in the CT P-EBT Address Report when meal status and homeless status is null:

  1. If Eligible for free/reduced price meals is blank or contains white space, it will be populated as 'N' in the report indicating No or not eligible.
  2. If Homeless is blank or contains white space, it will be populated as ‘00’ in the report indicating Not Homeless.
  3. A space will be placed between ‘APT:’ and the apartment value (if populated) in the report.

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