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February 2022 Minor Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.19.0



Release Note

ESP-70637Run OCR Reports

Updated the students with courses that have a Federal AP Course Type of Other to be counted towards APIB-6.

ESP-70274Run OCR Reports

Corrected the logic for Discipline to use IDEA and 504 Part 1 Student Groups for processing. The IDEA and 504 Groups are used for determining disability. Counts may differ for Discipline items: ARRS-1/ARRS-2, DISC-1, DISC-4, DISC-7/DISC-9, DISC-12, HIBS-2, HIBS-3, and RSTR-1/RSTR-2. Previously, these questions were using the IDEA and 504 Part 2 Student Groups. If your Part 1 and Part 2 Student Groups match, you will not see the difference in results.

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