Test Score Setup
Test Definition for Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
If you are keeping the results of your student's Physical Fitness Tests in the Test Score Center of eSchoolPlus and you want to send the Physical Fitness Test results to the State, you must use the following State Code Equivs for Tests, Subtests and Scores.
The Field Type should be Input for all values.
Test State Code Equiv | Subtest State Code Equiv | Score State Code Equiv | Label | Data Type | Field Size |
PhysicalFitnessTest | IncompReas | Reason | Reason for Participation Level | Numeric | 1 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | BodyComp | HeightF | Height (feet) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | BodyComp | HeightI | Height (inches) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | BodyComp | TricepMeas | Skinfold Measurement Triceps (millimeters) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | BodyComp | CalfMeas | Skinfold Measurements Calf (millimeters) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | BodyComp | PercBodFat | Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer (percent body fat) | Alpha | 4 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | BodyComp | Weight | Weight (pounds) | Numeric | 3 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | AerobicCap | MileRunM | One-Mile Run2 (minutes) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | AerobicCap | MileRunS | One-Mile Run2 (seconds) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | AerobicCap | Pacer | 20m PACER3 (number of laps) | Numeric | 3 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | AerobicCap | WalkTestM | Walk Test2 (minutes) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | AerobicCap | WalkTestS | Walk Test2 (seconds) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | AerobicCap | HeartRate | Heart Rate (# beats per minute) | Numeric | 3 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | AbdomStren | CurlUps | Abdominal Strength | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | TrunkStren | TrunkLift | Trunk Lift (# inches) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | UpperBod | PushUps | Push-Ups (number completed) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | UpperBod | MPullUps | Modified Pull-Ups (number completed) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | UpperBod | FlxArmHang | Flexed Arm Hang (seconds) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | Flexibil | SNRLeft | Sit and Reach Left (# of inches) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | Flexibil | SNRRight | Sit and Reach Right (# of inches) | Numeric | 2 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | Flexibil | ShdrStrL | Shoulder Stretch -Left | Alpha | 1 |
PhysicalFitnessTest | Flexibil | ShdrStrR | Shoulder Stretch - Right | Alpha | 1 |