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TDAP File Mapping

The following table contains the file mapping showing source data for updating the TDAP section in the California School Immunization Record (Blue Card).

Field Name

Where in eSchoolPlus


Date of Tdap Immunization

Obtain med_shot.shot_date
Where shot_order = 1 and shot_code = TDAP
(this is state code equivalent) and print the date for the student on the report.


The TDAP State Code Equiv needs to be assigned to the appropriate shot in the Vaccinations List (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Medical Records > Vaccinations)

Tdap was given on or after
7th birthday

Compare if the above shot_date for the student was given on or after his 7th birthday

The birthdate of the student is available on the student Personal page. Check this box if the student received the shot on or after 7th birthday.

Today's date

Print current date


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