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Student Programs File Errors and Warnings

Error/Warning Message

How to Fix the Data

No students match the filter criteria.

The filter that you have selected does not select any students. Please check the filter to ensure it is correct.

Building Building Numberis not have a valid building


ERROR: Student Student ID is missing Student ID"

The software will not allow for a blank Student ID, so you should not see this error.

ERROR: Student Student ID is missing Gender

The software will not allow for a student to be entered with no gender during New Student Entry, so you should not see this error.

ERROR: Student Student ID is missing First Name

The software will not allow for no first name at time of New Student Entry, so you should not see this error.

ERROR: Student Student ID is missing Last Name

The software will not allow for no last name at time of New Student Entry, so you should not see this error.

ERROR: Student Student ID is missing BirthDate

The software will not allow for no birth date at time of New Student Entry, so you should not see this error.

ERROR: Student Student ID is missing Academic Year

This indicates that the student does not have an Entry/Withdrawal record for the year that you selected for the Extract/State Files. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal to resolve error.

ERROR: Student Student ID has invalid building number " & mlngBuilding,

The software will not allow you to enter a student with an invalid building so you should not see this error. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal to confirm student's building.

ERROR: Student Student ID is missing State Report ID

You should not get this error. If a student has not been assigned a State ID, he/she will not be included in the file.

ERROR: Student Student ID is missing State Code Equiv for building " & mlngBuilding,

Go to Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition > Preferences panel to verify the State Equivalency Code for the building.

Student Student ID is not enrolled for CPAID


Student Student ID is missing CPAID.


Student Student ID is not enrolled for Education Service


Student Student ID has an invalid education service code. Valid education codes are 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 or 13.

For Program CA122, the student has an invalid Education Service Code. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the CA122 hyperlink and update the Education Service value.

Student Student ID does not have education service code.


Student Student ID does not have a proper resident status. Valid resident status are 100, 110, 120, 130.

If a student is enrolled in program CA131, he/she may only have certain Residential Status codes. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Demographics to update the Residential Status field. Or perhaps the student should not be enrolled in Program CA131. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs and click on the hyperlink for Program CA131 to enter an End Date.

Student Student ID is not enrolled in Spec ed Disability


Student Student ID is missing Primary Disability.

For Program CA144, the student does not have a value in the Primary Disability line. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the CA144 hyperlink and update the Primary Disability value.

Student Student ID is not enrolled in Account District

For Program CA144, the student does not have a value in the District of Accountability line. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the CA144 hyperlink and update the District of Accountability value.

Student Student ID is missing District of Spec Ed Accountability

Is this the same as the row above or is it for a different program?

ERROR: Student Student ID is missing School of Service for program Program Name (Program Code)

For the program reported in the error, the student does not have a value in the School of Service line. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the appropriate program hyperlink and update the School of Service value.

ERROR: Student Student ID has birth date greater than program's start date for program Program Name (Program Code)

Verify that the student's birth date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration and check the Birth Date field. You could also verify that the Program Start Date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the hyperlink for the correct program and review the start date.

ERROR: Student Student ID has not enrolled in the school during Program Membership for program Program Name (Program Code)

Verify that the Program Start Date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the hyperlink for the correct program and review the start date. You may also need to verify that the student's Entry Date is correct by going to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal.

ERROR: Student Student ID has start date greater than next 6 months from today for program Program Name (Program Code)

Verify that the Program Start Date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the hyperlink for the correct program and review the start date.

Warning: Student Student ID does not have first day of school for program Program Name (Program Code)

Verify that the Program Start Date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the hyperlink for the correct program and review the start date. You may also need to verify that the student's Entry Date is correct by going to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal.

ERROR: Student Student ID has start date greater than next 6 months from today for program Program Name (Program Code)

Verify that the Program Start Date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the hyperlink for the correct program and review the start date.

ERROR: Student Student ID has birth date greater than program's end date for program Program Name (Program Code)

Verify that the student's birth date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration and check the Birth Date field. You could also verify that the Program End Date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the hyperlink for the correct program and review the end date.

Warning: Student Student ID does not have Last Day of the school for program Program Name (Program Code)

Verify that the Program End Date is correct. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs, click on the hyperlink for the correct program and review the start date. You may also need to verify that the student's Withdrawal Date is correct by going to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.