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Staff District Information

On this page:

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff > click the staff member's name

For CALPADS Staff reporting, make sure that you have updated Staff records to include Birth Date, Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity and Hispanic Code, Race and Staff State ID (SEID). Hispanic Code field used if Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity is Unanswered and was Intentionally unanswered.

Do not enter 999999999 in the Staff State ID field—you will get an error when you run the CALPADS Extract since this is not a valid data condition.

California Staff District District-Defined Pages

From the Staff Information page, you will see the following list of Defined Pages for California under the District-Defined panel.

Page Number

Page Name

Description of Page


CA Staff Demographics

This page holds general information about your district's staff that is not gathered in the baseline eSchoolPlus pages and must be reported to the State in CALPADS and OPUS submissions.


CSIS Staff Credentials

The data on this page will not be used for reporting to the State anymore.


CA ORA Staff Assignments

The data on this page will be used for CBEDS-ORA reporting. Enter data for your classified staff on this page.


CA CALPADS Staff Assignments

Use this page to update information regarding job class, FTE and job assignments for non-classified staff. The data on this page is used for CALPADS reporting.


CA Staff Elementary Course

This page is used during CALPADS Student Course download process during non-scheduled Elementary course creation.

CA Staff Demographics (200)


Former First Name

If the staff member changed his/her name, enter the former first name here.

Former Middle Name

If the staff member changed his/her name, enter the former middle name here.

Former Last Name

If the staff member changed his/her name, enter the former last name here.

Education Level

Select the appropriate Education Level for the staff member.

Year Degree Earned

Enter the year the staff member earned the degree selected in the Education Level field.

Position Status

Select the Position Status for the staff member.

Service to English Learners

If the staff member provides service to English Learners, select the appropriate code here.

Hire Date

Enter the staff member's hire date.

Exit Date

If the staff member no longer works in the district, enter the exit date here.

Total Years in Education

Enter the total number of years that the staff member has worked in Education.

Total Years in District

Enter the total number of years that the staff member has worked in your district. This field can be updated by using the Create Teacher Assignments Utility page—this will be discussed in detail later in this guide.

For CALPADS Fall 2 reporting, make sure that the following fields are updated/accurate:

  • Former Names
  • Education Level
  • Position Status
  • Hire and Exit Dates
  • Total Years in Education and Total Years in District

CA ORA Staff Assignments (202)

This page is used to collect data about paraprofessionals for CBEDS-ORA reporting.



CDS Number

Select the CDS number for the school that the staff member works in.

Job Class

Select the correct job class for the staff member.


Select the appropriate assignment code for the classified staff member.

Highly Qualified

Not used

Percent of Time

Enter the percent of time that the staff does the job assignment. This value is used to determine whether the staff member is full time or part time. Full time is considered at 96 percent and higher.


Not used

Teacher Funds

Not used

Type of Instruction to EL

Not used

CA CALPADS Staff Assignments (205)

Enter assignment information about your non-classified staff on this page.



School of Assignment

Select the CDS number for the school that the staff member works in.

Job Class

Select the correct job class for the staff member.


Enter the FTE for this staff member for this job in this school. 50% should be entered as 50 or 50.0. The State asks that you submit FTE by tenths of a percentage and do not enter a value greater than 200. If you enter a value greater than 200, you will get an error message.

For a staff member designated as on leave, FTE must be 0. This designation is recorded as a Job Assignment code of 6018.

Job Assignment

Select the appropriate job assignment for the staff member. This is required if the Job Class is 10 or 11. You may enter up to seven per School of Assignment.

A staff member designated on leave (code 6018) needs FTE reported as 0 for the School of Assignment.

NOTE: In the CALPADS Staff Assignment file, there can only be one record per Job Class per building for a staff member, so if a staff member has more than one Job Assignment per Job Class, the FTE values will be totaled In the example above, the staff member will get one record in the Staff Assignment file for Job Class 10 with an FTE value of 100.

CA Staff Elementary Course (700)

Information on this page will be submitted to CALPADS in the Course Section record for non-scheduled Elementary Courses. If you do not have Elementary grades or you schedule your Elementary Courses, you do not need to maintain this data.



Education Service Code

Select the Education Service Code for the staff member.

Language of Instruction Code

Selec the Language of Instruction.

Instructional Strategy Code

Select the appropriate Instructional Strategy Code if necessary.

Additional Homeroom Course

Checked if the staff member has some courses scheduled but also has a self-contained course.

Multiple Teacher Status

If this teacher has assistance in the elementary course, select the appropriate code for the type of multiple teacher instruction that is being done.


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