SSID File Layout
The following table shows the CALPADS field numbers, field names, the eSchoolPlus Tables and Columns and where the data is coming from in eSchoolPlus for the SSID State file.
The system will pull students that have a regular year Entry/Withdrawal vector for the prompted school year. Summer School Entry/Withdrawal vectors are not included unless the Withdrawal Code (CALPADS Exit Code) for the student has a state code equiv of E230, E140, E300, E400, T270, T380, orT460 which indicates that the student is a Graduate or Dropout during the summer session and you have the Summer School Grad/Dropout flag checked on the CALPADS Setup District Defined page.
Field # | Field Name | Required? | CALPADS Updatable? | eSchoolPlus | eSchoolPlus | Where to Find in eSchoolPlus |
| District |
| From the eSchoolPlus environment |
| School Year |
| From the School Year prompt on page |
| Submission Type |
| From submission type prompt on page |
| Extract Date |
| From extract date prompt on page |
1.01 | Record Type Code | Y |
| Always SENR |
1.02 | Transaction Type Code | N |
| Not found in eSchoolPlus. This field tells CALPADS if the data being sent is an update, deletion or new record. |
1.03 | Local Record ID | N | Y |
| Not being sent in files created in eSchoolPlus. |
1.04 | Reporting LEA | Y |
| reg_entry_with | building | First 7 characters of State Equivalency Code for the building on the Entry/Withdrawal record being reported for the student. The Building State Equivalency Code is found by going to Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition > Preferences panel. |
1.05 | School of Attendance | Y |
| reg_entry_with | building | Last 7 characters of State Equivalency Code for the building on the Entry/Withdrawal record being reported for the student. The Building State Equivalency Code is found by going to Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition > Preferences panel. |
1.06 | School of Attendance NPS | If field 1.05equals 0000001, then Y | Y | reg_programs | program_value where program_id maps to reg_program_column record with state_code_equiv = 'canps_inst' | From the CA144 – Special Education program record for the student. Go to Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs. The system will use the last 7 characters of the Nonpublic/Nonsectarian Inst value. |
1.07 | Academic Year ID | Y |
| reg_entry_with | school_year | From the School Year prompt on CALPADS extract/download page. |
1.08 | SSID | If field 1.02 equals D or R, then Y |
| reg_personal | state_report_id | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal—SSID field. |
1.09 | Local Student ID | Y | Y | reg | student_id | Student ID field |
1.10 | Student Legal First Name | Y |
| reg | first_name | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration—First Name field. Since the State file may only include Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes any other characters in this field will be stripped out for the State File. |
1.11 | Student Legal Middle Name | N |
| reg | middle_name | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration—Middle Name field. Since the State file may only include Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes any other characters in this field will be stripped out for the State File. |
1.12 | Student Legal Last Name | Y |
| reg | last_name | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration—Last Name field. Since the State file may only include Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes any other characters in this field will be stripped out for the State File. |
1.13 | Student Legal Name Suffix Code | N |
| reg | generation | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration—Generation field. The local code will be used, not the State Equivalency Code because the State values are identical to the codes that are loaded into baseline eSchoolPlus. |
1.14 | Student Alias First Name | N |
| ca_v_stu_alias | first_name | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Alias—First Name field. Since the State file may only include Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes any other characters in this field will be stripped out for the State File. |
1.15 | Student Alias Middle Name | N |
| ca_v_stu_alias | middle_name | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Alias—Middle Name field. Since the State file may only include Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes any other characters in this field will be stripped out for the State File. |
1.16 | Student Alias Last Name | N |
| ca_v_stu_alias | last_name | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Alias—Last Name field. Since the State file may only include Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes any other characters in this field will be stripped out for the State File. |
1.17 | Student Birth Date | Y |
| reg | birthdate | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration—Birth Date field. Student Age must be between 0 and 22. If Grade Level State Equivalency Code is AD, student age must be between 15 and 80. |
1.18 | Student Gender Code | Y |
| reg | gender | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal —Gender field. |
1.19 | Student Birth City | N |
| reg_personal | birth_city | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal—City of Birth field. Since the State file may only include Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes any other characters in this field will be stripped out for the State File. |
1.20 | Student Birth State Province Code | N |
| reg_personal | birth_state | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal—State of Birth field. Student Birth Country Code and Student Birth State Province Code must be a valid combination |
1.21 | Student Birth Country Code | Y |
| reg_personal | birth_country | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal—Country of Birth field. Student Birth Country Code and Student Birth State Province Code must be a valid combination |
1.23 | Enrollment Start Date | Y |
| reg_entry_with | entry_date | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal—Entry Date field. Beginning in the 2015 school year, eSchoolPlus no longer uses continuous enrollment processing, per CALPADS Data Standards. The system will use the first entry date for the student, in the current year. This date must be after the student's birth date and less than or equal to six months Plus the submission date. |
1.24 | Enrollment Status Code | Y | Y |
| The system will look at the student's calendar (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal) and compare it to the Calendar fields on the CA Institution page (Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition). A calendar from the Secondary Enrollment Calendar field = 20, Short Term Enrollment Calendar = 30, Special Services Calendar = 40. Any calendars that are not in these fields will have a value of 10 for Primary Enrollment. |
1.25 | Grade Level Code | Y |
| reg_entry_with | grade | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal—Grade field. The system will use the State Equivalency Code for the grade from the Entry/Withdrawal record that contains the submission date. |
1.26 | Enrollment Exit Date | N | Y | reg_entry_with | withdrawal_date | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal—Withdrawal Date field. This date must be after the student's first Entry date in eSchoolPlus and less than or equal to 30 days Plus the submission date. |
1.27 | Student Exit Reason Code | N | Y | reg_entry_with | withdrawal_code | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal—Withdrawal Code field. The extract pulls the State Equivalency Code from the Withdrawals Validation Table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Registration: Withdrawals table) |
1.28 | Student School Completion Status | If field 1.27 equals E230, then Y | Y | reg_academic | diploma_type | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Academic—Diploma Type field. |
1.29 | Expected Receiver School of Attendance | If field 1.27 equals T165, then Y | Y | reg_v_programs | program_value where state_code_equiv = 'carec_inst' | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs—Value from the CAREC Program Receiver School field. The system will take the last seven characters of the State Equivalency Code for the Building selected. |
1.3 | Student Met all UC CSU Requirements Indicator | If field 1.28 equals 100, 106, or 108 then Y | Y | ca_v_stu_grad | uc_csu_crsreq_met | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Graduation—UC/CSU Course Requirements Met field. |
1.31 | Student School Transfer Code | Required if Reporting LEA = County Office of Education and the school is neither a charter or juvenile court school | Y | reg_user where page_number = 200 | field_value where field_number = 6 | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Demographics—Interdistrict Transfer field. |
1.32 | District of Geographic Residence Code | Required if field 1.31 is valued | Y | reg_programs | program_value for program_id where reg_program_column. | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > CADIS - District of Residence Program. Only needed if Interdistrict Transfer field is valued. |
1.33 | Student Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator | If Student School Completion Status Code = 100, then Y | Y | reg_user where page_number = 201 | field_value where field_number = 14 | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Graduation: Golden Merit Seal Diploma |
1.34 | Student Seal of Biliteracy Indicator | If Student School Completion Status Code = 100, then Y | Y | reg_user where page_number = 201 | field_value where field_number = 15 | Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Graduation: Seal of Biliteracy |