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Section H. Advanced Coursework - Dual Class Enrollment

This section applies only for schools receiving School Improvement Grant (SIG) funds. These buildings are identified on the CA School Improvement Grants page with the School Improvement Grants box checked (Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building District Defined > CA School Improvement Grants).
Fields 1 (Advanced Coursework) and 2 (Dual Enrollment) in Section K can either be system-calculated based on courses where the student received full credit, or you can manually enter Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment totals for a building on the CA School Improvement Grants page.

Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment Calculated at the Course Level
Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > CA Course

If you want to have the CBEDS-ORA report calculate your Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment student totals based on student schedules and credit earned, you need to set up the appropriate courses at the Master Schedule level, CA Course district-defined page, Academic Course Level 2.

The following codes indicate Advanced Coursework: 30 – Advanced Placement (AP), 37 – International Baccalaureate (IB) – higher level, and 38 – International Baccalaureate (IB) – standard level.

The code 40 – College level indicates the course, if completed with full credit, qualifies a student as Dual Enrollment.

If you have courses set up with the Course Level 2 codes, then once marks are issued and credit is assigned for courses, you can run the Create CBEDS-ORA File, and it gets counts for Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment by finding students who earned full credit in courses with the appropriate Course Level 2 settings. Field 3 in Section K, Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment Classes, provides the sum from the previous two fields.

Overrides are available for Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment counts on the CA School Improvement Grants building district-defined page.

Building-Level Overrides for Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment Counts
Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building District Defined > CA School Improvement Grants
The Create CBEDS-ORA File uses override values from this page for Section K if the building has these values defined. This is used in place of the counts taken for student courses. You can enter an override for Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment, or you can enter one of the values and have the report calculate the count for the other.
Field 3 in Section K will always be the sum of the reported Advanced Coursework and Dual Enrollment Classes counts, whether the values are calculated or taken from overrides.

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