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March 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.3.0.0



Release Note

ESP-92810Course Sections and Create CALPADS Extract/State Files

Implemented a business rule requiring validation: when the course state code is 1000, the standard grade level should be either 'Y' or NULL, with no default option to blank when the state course code is 1000.

ESP-92362CAASPP Integration Details

Updated the secret key to work seamlessly with the '<' symbol, as well as other special characters, on the CAASPP Integration Details page.

ESP-92191Create CALPADS Extract/State Files

Corrected the following issues for the SELA download:

  1. Progress Bar: Resolved the issue where the progress bar in Tasks and Reports was not functioning correctly. Now, users can accurately track their progress and task completion.
  2. Student Record Calculation: Updated processing to ensure all student records are accurately accounted for and included as expected.
  3. Performance Optimization: Processing student records was taking longer than anticipated, impacting overall system performance. Implemented optimizations to streamline this process, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced processing time.
  4. Debug File Cleanup: Unnecessary debug lines that cluttered the debug file have been removed. Additionally, redundant SQL queries are no longer called multiple times, leading to cleaner logs and enhanced system performance.
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