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March 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_21.4.22.0



Release Note

ESP-71743Create CALPAD Extract/State Files

Insertion was failing for Elementary Courses (Course ID 1000) due to mismatch in columns and values for elementary course insert query. This has been resolved by adding correct number of columns and values in the elementary insert query.

ESP-70156CA Create CALPADS Extract/State Files (Staff Demographics)

The Transitional Kindergarten Authorization Indicator field was made as a filler in the 32nd column in the extract file for the Staff Demographics submission instead of removing it. The "SDEM" - Staff Demographics file extract from the "CA Create CALPADS Extract/State Files" utility in eSchoolPlus generates an additional column in the .txt file as expected columns are 31, but included columns are 32. This has been resolved by removing the last 32nd column, Transitional Kindergarten Authorization Indicator field from the Staff Demographics extract file.

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