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June 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.6.0.0



Release Note

ESP-95447CA Create CALPADS Extract/State Files

Implemented changes using a crosswalk table to map two-digit language codes to three-digit codes in the primary home language field. This resolved the issue where records were being regenerated when the three-digit language code was used instead of the previously submitted two-digit code to CALPADS.

ESP-95216Test Score Import Definition and Test Definition
  • Created the CAELPAC Test Definition with Test Level Initial.
  • Created subtests and scores respectively for the new test.
  • Created a Test Score Import Definition with description Initial and Initial Alternate ELPAC 2023.
ESP-95170CA ELPAC Summative and Alternate Summative Test Scores Import
  • Created the CAELPAC Test Definition with Test Level Summative.
  • Created subtests and scores respectively for the new test.
  • Created an interface ID, ELS23, with description as Summative and Summative Alternate ELPAC 2023.
  • Created a Header and the details for the new interface respectively.
ESP-94862CA WBLR General and CA Create CALPADS Extract/State Files

Updated the drop-down value from "33-Job Corps" to "35-Job Corps" in the Work Based Learning Type field.

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