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Data Entry for Immunizations and Screenings

Immunization Data Entry

Medical > All > Student > Immunizations
If a student has an exemption for an immunization, select the correct exemption code from the list in the Exemption field.

If you need to enter more than five shots for an immunization, select the Detail view button at the top of the page. By default, the page is in Summary view. When in Detail view, you can add as many Vaccination Dates as needed for each immunization.

Screenings Data Entry 

Medical > All > Office > Other Exams
Enter the Tuberculosis screening(s) that the student has had. You must enter a value in the Status field. To enter/view Referral data, click on the drop-down arrow next to the student's name.

In the Referral field, select the type of screening and enter the date that the results were found in the Date field. In the Notes field, enter the following information for the screening type: 

Screening Type

Value in Comments Field

TB -  TB Skin Test PPD – Mantoux

Induration value in mm

TBO – TB Skin Test Other

Induration value in mm

TBX – TB X-Ray

Y/N to indicate if the student is free from communicable tuberculosis

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