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CBEDS ORA Reporting Setups

There are several setups for buildings that are necessary for just CBES ORA Reporting.

CA New Hires

Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA New Hires
The information on this page is used for CBEDS ORA reporting only and you should only update this page for your District Building.



Estimated New Hires (Subject)

Select the Subject Area that the planned new hires will teach.

Estimated New Hires

Enter the number of new hires for the subject area.

CA Additional Information

Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA Additional Information
The information on this page is used for CBEDS-ORA reporting. For CBEDS-ORA reporting, you should update this page for your District Building only.



Service Learn/Community Servic

No longer used.

Computers for Instruction

No longer used.

Instructional Computer/CD ROM

No longer used.

Classrooms/Internet Access

No longer used.

Classrooms Connected to a WAN

No longer used.

Session Type

No longer used.

One Year Course Units

No longer used.

School Calendar Type

Select the appropriate Calendar Type for this building.

Basic Aid Choice Status

No longer used.

Class Enrollment Calculation

No longer used.

Health Center Type

No longer used.

Children Not Enroll/Public Sch

No longer used.

CalWORKS Participation

No longer used.

CalWORKS Children/School Area

No longer used.

WASC Accreditation

No longer used.

Instructional Settings


Zero Truants Explanation

No longer used.

Kindergarten Full-Day


Kindergarten Part-Day


Transitional Kinderga Full-Day


Transitional Kinderga Part-Day


CA Grade List

Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA Grade List
Use this page to specify the Homeroom Grade List and Scheduled Courses Grade List for a building. This information is required for calculating the class size for the grades you specified using CA Class Size Reduction center.



Homeroom Grade List

Specify the grades for which you want to determine homeroom class size through the CA Class Size Reduction Center. You can enter multiple grades.

Scheduled Courses Grade List

Specify the grades for which you want to determine scheduled course class size through the CA Class Size Reduction Center. You can enter multiple grades.

NOTE: The grades in the Homeroom Grade list and Scheduled Course Grade list fields cannot be the same.

CA Independent study

Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA Independent Study
Use this page to specify the Independent Study configuration by Curriculum, Calendar, or Absence Code for a building, You can use this information to exclude the independent study students from the homeroom or scheduled courses class size count. For more information, refer to the CA Class Size Reduction center section.



Independent Study Config By

Select whether you are excluding independent study students based on Calendar, Curriculum, or Absence Code.

Independent Study Config List

Based on your selection in the previous field, enter the codes that identify a student as participating in independent study.  Use a comma-delimited list.

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