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CALPADS File Types and Submissions

File Types

File Type


SSID Enrollment

Basic information regarding a student but also contains entry/withdrawal data. This is also the file that districts will use to request State IDs.

Student Information

Demographic data about students.

Student Programs

Information about date-tracked programs that the district must track for students.

Student English Language Acquisition

Student's English Language Acquisition (ELA) proficiency information.

Student Courses

Schedule and grade information for a student. In the fall submission, this file will not contain grade information but will at the end of the year.

Student Discipline

Disciplinary details about students.

Student Absence

Student absence totals categorized by the type of absence.

Staff Demographics

Demographic information for staff including teachers and administrators.

Staff Assignment

Job class and FTE information for the staff at a district.

Course Section

Courses that are scheduled at a district.



Student Files

Staff Files

Course File


SSID Enrollment*
Student Information
Student Programs
Student ELA

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Fall 2 Submission

SSID Enrollment
Student Information
Student Programs
Student ELA
Student Courses*

Staff Demographics*
Staff Assignment*

Course Section*

End of Year 1

SSID Enrollment
Student Information
Student Programs
Student Courses*
Student Career Technical Education*

Staff Demographics

Course Section*

End of Year 2

SSID Enrollment
Student Information
Student Programs*

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

End of Year 3

SSID Enrollment
Student Information
Student Discipline*
Student Absence Summary

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

*Required file type for submission. No asterisk means that the district should send updates to the file for the submission.

NOTE: For the Fall 2 submission, you may not need to send the SSID Enrollment, Student Information and Student Programs if you have been sending the SSID submission files regularly.

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