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California State Reporting Validation Tables

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. You must select California State Reporting for Applications and <Validation table name> for Validation Table.

eSchoolPlus Validation Table


Academic Course Level 2

Course Section Instructional Level Code

CBEDS Subject Area Assignment

Course Group State

Course Term

Academic Term

CTE Pathway

Career Technical Education Pathway

Education Service

Education Service Title I Part A Basic

English Learners Instruction Type

Education Service English Learners

English Proficiency

English Language Acquisition Status State

Highly Qualified Teacher

Content Area Competency Category


Interdistrict Transfer Category

Job Classifications

Educational Service Job Classification

Multiple Teacher Status

Multiple Teacher Instruction Strategy Category

Special Education Disability

Disability Category

Staff Assignments

Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment

Staff Education Level


Staff Position Status

Employment Status Category

UC/CSU Approved Course

College Admission Requirement

Disp Action Authority Code

Disciplinary Action Authority Code

VaccinesVaccines State Code Equivalent values for Medical records

Special Character Translate List

Specifically, this table applies to the CA Create Pre-ID File option. It lets you set up an acceptable translation character for any special characters that appear in the following fields: Student's First Name, Student's Middle Initial, Student's Last Name, Delivery Name, Student's Parent Name. A special character is any character inserted into eSchoolPLUS using your keyboard's ALT key in combination with a number pad code. For example, <ALT + 164> inserts the following special character: ñ. It can also be any other character that needs conversion in the Pre-ID file.

The Create Pre-ID File utility needs a standard character to use in place of the special character. The Special Character Translate table lets you establish the correct mapping from special to standard characters.

For both the Special Char and Translation Char fields in the table, use uppercase. Refer to the following procedure for more detail.
To set up the Special Character Translate List:

  1. Determine the special characters you need to map. You can find a chart of Special ALT Characters online simply by searching for Special ALT Characters.
  2. Use the Special Char field to enter the special character you are mapping. Make sure to use the uppercase version of the character, for instance  (ALT + 0194) instead of â (ALT + 131).
  3. Use the Translate Char field to assign the standard conversion character the Create Pre-ID File utility produces when it finds the associated Special Character.
    • Again, make sure to use an uppercase character.
    • If you leave the Translate Char field blank, the Create Pre-ID File utility uses a blank space when it finds the defined Special Char entry.
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