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Calculating Student Absence File Fields – Continuation Buildings

In terms of Student Absence file processing, the CALPADS extract calculates values differently for students enrolled in Continuation buildings. A Continuation building has the Continuation School box checked on Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA Institution.

Continuation buildings have an Attendance View Setup based on calculating the minutes a student is present and absent. The CALPADS extract converts the minutes values into hours, dividing any value by 60. So 30 minutes becomes 0.5 hours, and 495 minutes converts to 8.25 hours, for example.

To determine values for fields 13.16 through 13.20, the extract uses the following formulas:

CALPADS Student Absence field

Converting Hours to Days

13.16 Days Attended In-Person

(Hours Present ͏÷ Hours Scheduled to Attend) x Expected Attendance Days

13.17 Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension

(Hours Absent Out-of-School Suspension ÷ Hours Scheduled to Attend) x Expected Attendance Days

13.18 Days in Attendance In-School Suspension

(Hours Absent In-School Suspension ÷ Hours Scheduled to Attend) x Expected Attendance Days

13.19 Days Absent In-Person Excused Non-Suspension

(Hours Absent Excused Non-Suspension ÷ Hours Scheduled to Attend) x Expected Attendance Days

13.20 Days Absent In-Person Unexcused Non-Suspension

(Hours Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension ÷ Hours Scheduled to Attend) x Expected Attendance Days

The hours in the above equations are converted minutes from Student Day Totals records matching the School Year and View Type you chose when running the CALPADS extract. The source minutes are derived as follows:

  • Minutes Present is the sum of att_stu_day_totals.present_time for the student's Day Totals records
  • Minutes Scheduled to Attend is the sum of att_stu_day_totals.student_schd_time for the student's Day Totals records.
  • Minutes Absent Out-of-School Suspension is the sum of att_stu_day_totals.absent_time for Day Totals records where the student's attendance_code matches the Out of School Suspension extract prompt selection.
  • Minutes Absent In-School Suspension is the sum of att_stu_day_totals.absent_time for Day Totals records where the student's attendance_code matches the In School Suspension extract prompt selection.
  • Minutes Absent Excused Non-Suspension is the sum of att_stu_day_totals.absent_time for Day Totals records where the student's attendance_code matches the Excused Absence extract prompt selection.
  • Minutes Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension is the sum of att_stu_day_totals.absent_time for Day Totals records where the student's attendance_code matches the Unexcused Absence extract prompt selection.

Additional Information

If the Period Type is P-Period, the Period-by-Period Attendance Method Indicator calculates the ADA-Generating Independent Study Days in the Student Absence download.

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