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CA School Improvement Grants for CBEDS-ORA

Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA School Improvement Grants
Use this page to track data collected in sections I, J, K, and L of the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) School Information Form (SIF). This information is only collected for schools receiving School Improvement Grant funds, indicated in eSchoolPLUS by checking the School Improvement Grants box for the building on this page.

Schools do not need this page maintained if they do not receive SIG funding.



School Improvement Grants

Check this box to indicate the building does receive SIG funds and therefore reports information on CBEDS SIF sections I, J, K, and L.

If the box is not checked, no further entries are needed on this page for the building.

LT through longer school year LT through a longer school day LT before or after school
LT through summer school
LT through weekend school
LT through another method

Series of checkboxes indicating the methods through which the building increased learning time. Check each box that applies.

If you select the box for LT through another method, make sure to also enter a description of that method in the LT Explanation of Other field.

Did not increase LT

Checked if the building receives SIG funds but did not provide increased learning time opportunities.

LT Explanation of Other

Description of the alternate method the building uses to provide increased learning time. Use this field if the LT through another method box is checked.

Advanced Coursework

This field acts as an override value for the Advanced Coursework (Row 1) count on CBEDS SIF section K. If there is a value in this field, it is reported as the building's count of students receiving credit for advanced coursework.

This field is only referenced if the School Improvement Grants box is checked for the building. If the Advanced Coursework field is blank for a school receiving SIG funds, the CBEDS-ORA utility takes the count of students who received credit for a class set up with a value of 30, 37, or 38 in the CA Course page's Academic Course – Level 2 field. This count is taken for the school year selected on the Create CBEDS-ORA File page.

Dual Enrollment Classes

This field acts as an override value for the Dual Enrollment (Row 2) count on CBEDS SIF section K. If there is a value in this field, it is reported as the building's count of students receiving credit for coursework in a postsecondary institution.

This field is only referenced if the School Improvement Grants box is checked for the building. If the Dual Enrollment Classes field is blank for a school receiving SIG funds, the CBEDS-ORA utility takes the count of students who received credit for a class set up with a value of 40 in the CA Course page's Academic Course – Level 2 field. This count is taken for the school year selected on the Create CBEDS-ORA File page.

Student Attendance Rate

Student attendance rate for the building. Calculate this value by dividing the number of days all students actually attended by the number of enrollment days for those students. Report this as a percentage expressed as a decimal value, such as 1.00 for 100% or 0.88 for 88%. The field accepts four digits following the decimal.

This is reported in CBEDS-ORA SIF Part L and applies only if the building's School Improvement Grants box is checked.

To get the enrollment and attendance figures for the year, you can use the CA Attendance Summary Register report spanning the entire calendar for the year you are reporting.

Teacher Attendance Rate

Teacher attendance rate for the building. Calculate this value by dividing the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) days teachers worked by the maximum number of FTE days those teachers could have worked. Report this as a percentage expressed as a decimal value, such as 1.00 for 100% or 0.88 for 88%. The field accepts four digits following the decimal.

This is reported in CBEDS-ORA SIF Part L and applies only if the building's School Improvement Grants box is checked.

School Year Minutes

Total number of minutes (full and half school days plus any increased learning time) that a student enrolled in the building for the whole year would be required to attend school. This is reported in the SIF Part J.

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