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Troubleshooting Common Errors and Dependencies

Common Errors

Errors typically occur when data is being published to the IODS, but something happens in the transmission of the record and it is rejected on the IODS side. The categories on the Ed-Fi Dashboard are arranged such that errors on one line may propagate downward as dependencies.  It is important that you always work from top to bottom when addressing issues.  Records with dependencies or errors can be viewed clicking on the entity name to display the list page, then filtering on Status.

Below are some common errors that can occur and how to resolve them.

Error Code#




Validation of 'XYZ' failed. StudentUniqueId/StaffUnqiueId is required.

This error can occur when there is a problem in the Ed-Fi system or when the Unique ID of the student or staff member has changed.  If other data is publishing normally, then the Ed-Fi system is working correctly.  Run ‘Now - Changes’ or ‘Now - Errors’ on the category.


The value supplied for the related 'XYZ' resource does not exist.

This error occurs when DEX shows that the parent resource, XYZ, has been published, but the IODS does not have the record in its system.  To resolve this issue, run ‘Now - All’ on the Category that contains the XYZ resource.


An unexpected error occurred on the server.

This error is typically due to an issue on the IODS or state end.  Retry publishing the record using ‘Now - Changes,’ ‘Now - Errors’ or ‘Retry - Errors.’  If this results in another 500 error, the state will need to be contacted to determine the issue on their end.


Service Unavailable

This error is due to an issue on the IODS server where the Ed-Fi system is not running properly on the server.  Contact the state with this error code.  Once the state has resolved the issue, run ‘Now - Errors’ on the Dashboard.

Common Dependencies

Dependencies on a record are due to either 1) missing or invalid data, or 2) an unpublished reference record.  For example, a student may be missing a Unique ID; this would cause their record to be in dependency.  Another example would be a Student Section record trying to publish with a dependency on Section Record.  This dependency can occur if the Student Section record has tried to publish before the Section record has been published. 

Below are some common dependencies and their resolutions.



Student/Staff Unique ID

Record is missing the required State Assigned Unique ID.  For states where the Unique ID can be requested on the student or staff page, select the request button and acquire the Unique ID.  Otherwise, follow your state process for obtaining the Unique ID.  Once a new ID is assigned, go to the Ed-Fi Dashboard and run ‘Now – Changes’ for the category.  You can also publish the individual record from the entity’s List page.

Student School Association

A Student record cannot be updated and other student data cannot be published until the student record is claimed on the IODS side. To claim the record, a School Enrollment record (Student School Association) must be published.  Start by running ‘Now - Changes’ on the Enrollment & Demographics category to publish the enrollment records.  When School Enrollments have published, DEX will retry Student Demographics records still in dependency.  For other student records, run ‘Now - Changes’ for the category.

Staff School Association

A Staff record cannot be updated and other staff data cannot be published until the staff record is claimed on the IODS side. To claim the record, a Staff Employment record or Staff Assignment record must be published. Start by running ‘Now - Changes’ on Staff Associations to publish the associations records. When Staff Associations have published, run ‘Now - Changes’ on Staff Demographics to retry the records.

Alternate Course Number not set

Either the Alternate Course Number has not been set on the Course, or the Alternate Course Number is not a valid state course number.  Update the Alternate Course Number and run ‘Now - Changes’ on Organization Schedules.

Missing Section Meeting Record

The Section does not have a period selected.  Add a period to the section and run ‘Now - Changes’ on Organization Schedules.

Section Record

The section record has not been published.  Check Organization Schedules and look for Dependencies or Errors on the section record in question.  If there are no errors or dependencies, run ‘Now - All’ on Organization Schedules, which will publish the missing section record, and then run ‘Now - Changes’ for the category where this dependency was found.

XYZ Record

The referenced record for this record has not been published.  Check the referenced record and determine if there is another dependency.  If there is no other dependency, run ‘Now - Changes’ to retry the record.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.