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Publishing Data

The Data Exchange Publishing page is the primary page to publish data and to view all resources for a profile. It appears when you first access Data Exchange. Use selectors to choose which school year and which school you wish to work with.

The page displays as a dashboard with existing profiles selectable as tabs and is organized as sections that hold categories of individual resources.  Each resource displays a status button that indicates if the the data is complete, has errors, or has dependencies.  Likewise, each category has a summary with the number of resources that are complete, have dependencies, or have errors. To access publishing options, select (...) next to the summary display. Sections and categories are displayed so that items displayed at the top of the Dashboard have the fewest dependencies. When publishing, we recommend that you always start at the top of the publishing page and proceed down.

Publish for Each Category

  1. From the Data Exchange Publishing page, select (...) for a category, and then select a publishing option. When publishing, the publish progress displays for each resource.
  2. When the publish operation is complete, the status displays for each resource.

Drill Down on a Resource for Detailed Information

  1. From the Data Exchange Publishing page, select a resource to to display its data details.
  2. If desired, filter and sort the displayed data.
  3. If desired, you can quickly jump to any other resource by selecting from the drop-down list at the top of the page and repeating Steps 2-3.
  4. When viewing the Data Details tab, to view a row's details select (...) and then select Details.
  5. To show individual resource counts for each school, select the District Summary tab.

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