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Download and View State ODS Content

Once profiles have been created to communicate between LEAs and your state's ODS, you can download descriptor codes the state uses, their organization catalog which includes schools and LEAs, and a catalog of your state's programs. 

Note: If mappings need to be performed, you must first download Descriptors (Common Codes) for mapping to work properly. Also, downloads and mappings (if required) must be performed prior to publishing data.

Download State ODS Content

  1. From the Data Exchange Publishing page, click Settings, and then select the Download tab. 
  2. Select the desired school year.
  3. To download all content for all profiles, select Download Data.
  4. To download content only for a specific content row of a profile, select (...) in the row, and select Download.
    The Status column monitors progress of downloads.
    The page refreshes every 10 seconds, but you can select the refresh button for immediate status updates.
  5. When the download is complete, a checkmark displays in the row's Status column.

View State ODS Content

After downloading state ODS content, you can then view data from the Download page.

  1. On the Download page, select (...) in the row, and then select Details
  2. When viewing the Descriptors (Common Codes) data, the display initially shows you a summary the number of code values defined for each code set. To view each code value and its description, select Descriptors (Common Codes).
  3. Filter and sort to display the data you need to view.

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