Data Exchange Release Notes
Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-357555 | PowerSchool SIS: Updates to Grades Resource | The implementation of Grades in DEXCloud addresses resource dependencies with Student Sections for use in the exchange project. This includes resolving dependency errors related to student sections, such as filtering out grades for no-show students, handling invalid enrollments, and mapping session names correctly for year-long terms split into multiple parts. |
PSSR-357037 | PowerSchool SIS: Student Transcript Updates | Updates have been made to the Student Transcript resource to accurately map single-digit courseAttemptResultDescriptor values to acceptable descriptor values by adding a leading zero. |
PSSR-356149 | PowerSchool SIS: Updated Special Education Resource | The 'StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation' resource has been updated to include RFT, SELA, and SpEd records in a single JSON. It also now supports publishing multiple RFT IDs per year and records with different zone campus IDs. |
PSSR-355531 | PowerSchool SIS: Updated StudentAcademicRecord Resource | Changes have been made to the StudentAcademicRecord.Diploma involving the deletion of an obsolete data element and the addition of a new data element. The new data element, E3089 DistingLevelAchievementGraduate, has been successfully added to the StudentAcademicRecord.Diploma resource. Additionally, the outdated data element E1542-FHSPDistingLevelGraduate has been removed and replaced with E3089 DistingLevelAchievementGraduate. |
PSSR-344473 | PowerSchool SIS: Updated PriorYearLeaver Resource | Changes were made to PriorYearLeaver.GraduationSet, involving the deletion of an obsolete data element and the addition of a new data element. The new data element, E3089 DistingLevelAchievementGraduate, was successfully added to the PriorYearLeaver.GraduationSet, while the obsolete data element E1542-FHSPDistingLevelGraduate was removed. These modifications were implemented to enhance reporting on students who were enrolled in grades 7-12 in the prior year but have no active enrollment in the current year. |